Ok seriously, dude, if you're going to call me close minded or biased one more time I'm going to end this. I have not called you one negative name yet you do over and over after I've asked you to stop. Please, stop.
I told you before, I've talked with many people such as yourself. Everytime I ask for specific evidence, I'm met with the same typical lines, the same typical denial. They all claim to be open minded and looking for evidence, but yet whenever they're presented with such, they plug their ears because their mindset is "anything but God." The only way you've been different from the rest of the typical crowd is when you admitted you didn't provide the evidence I asked for, but then you continued to fight tooth and nail over the subject instead of just admitting that there is no evidence and no basis to believe it (referring to the asexual vs. sexual).
Give me a link to something and I will read through it and if I find it false I will explain why, and if I don't I will give you credit where credit is due.
You've been given a link, but you brushed it aside because it was written by creationists. You also keep evading what I'm asking you, and I don't know why. I want to know what YOU have reasearched about the subject so far. Why is that so hard for you to answer? I just want to know where you are so I'm not wasting time presenting something you've already seen before.
Then whose to say which is which and what's right and what's not?
Are you still clinging to the idea that everything in the Bible must be literal, or everything in the Bible must be symbolic? Why are you clinging to one of these extremist views, when it's so clear that the Bible is a massive book, such that neither of those extremist views would be accurate?
No, that's not at all what I said. Please stop putting words in my mouth (and once again please stop calling me names. I'm trying to be civil and polite and you're making it really difficult. Just because we have different opinions doesn't mean either of us is bias or bigoted). The fact of the matter is, creationists aren't typically scientists, scientists are where you should look for SCIENCE. Like I said, would you get information on Christianity though an atheist source? I certainly wouldn't.
Creationists aren't scientists? Let's see, there's Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and Louis Pasteur, all of them were scientists, and all of them were creationists. If you want to say that you're open-minded, then you HAVE to admit that creationists can be scientists, those aren't mutually exclusive terms. If you don't want to admit that creationists can be scientists, then quite simply you are being biased and close minded. You can keep claiming that you're open minded, but the rest of your words are contrary to that.
So are you admitting that Genesis 1:16 is not a scientific inaccuracy?
You're putting quotes in there like that's what I said, when that's not what I said at all and once again you're putting words into my mouth and being extremely disrespectful! I still don't know what evidence you're looking for.
Those aren't your exact words, of course not, but that's the message you're sending. You have no evidence for the things I ask for, but you still fight tooth and nail and insist that it's true and did happen.
We don't have fossils that show asexual organisms becoming sexual organisms that I know of.
If you don't have the evidence, then why do you keep insisting that it's true and that we should all believe it? When you have no evidence, we're left with just blindly assuming it's true.
We don't have fossils for everything.
I didn't ask for fossils for everything. This is just another typical statement of evolutionists trying to sweep their problems under the rug. As I said, I've gone through this with many evolutionists in the past, and it never matters what I ask for, they always fail to provide the evidence, and then make some cop-out excuses like this. I ask for fossils of asexual organisms transitioning to sexual organisms, I get nothing. I ask for fossils the demonstrate a particular animal evolving, I get nothing. I ask for fossils that demonstrate a particular structure evolving, I get nothing. I could even leave it open ended for you. Show me a fossil that shows 1 bone evolving, any animal you want. I can save you the time of searching if you'd prefer, because like the hundreds of people I've talked to before, you'll come up with nothing. All you have for "fossil evidence" are radically different fossils, and all we can do is assume that they evolved into each other.
But this proves nothing, because there are still PLENTY of fossils that provide evidence for evolution. You can't find one fault in evolution and say that evolution is therefore false when there is still a huge amount of evidence of the contrary.
It's not "just one fault," it's many. You couldn't even overcome the first problem I presented, and during this conversation, more holes have been exposed. Let's see:
1. There's 0 scientific evidence that asexual organisms have evolved into sexual organisms, and 0 evidence that such a thing is even possible.
2. There's no transitional fossils. Anything that is claimed to be such is just the result of lining up radically different fossils and animals and saying "just assume they evolved."
3. You claimed that it took 2.5 billion years for single celled organisms to evolve into multi celled organisms, yet you've provided no evidence to back up this claim, only speculation. Once again, we're just left to assume that this is true despite the lack of evidence.
4. You claim that micro evolution leads to macro evolution, yet you have zero evidence for this. It's just another assumption.
We have fossils of asexual organisms billions of years ago and chronologically sexual organisms appeared, so the logical conclusion is that they evolved. It's not blind faith, it's logic.
Your conclusion is based on presupposing that evolution is true and happened as the theory claims.
Where else would they have come from? Seriously, provide me another option. Because trust me, scientists are looking at all the options.
Intelligent design.
That's why they aren't all on the same page about this, because they have different ideas of where sexual organisms evolved from. You seem, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to have the idea that scientists are out looking for a specific answer and will change evidence to fit this answer.
That's been documented to happen. Have you looked up the schandle about Lucy being doctored up by a bone saw? They used a bone saw to make the fossil Lucy into what they wanted it to be. Or how about the archeopterix hoax, where evolutionists try to claim it's a transition into birds, but the fact is that bird fossils have been found that were dated to be older than archeopterix.
Fossils are rare, not nonexistent. We don't have fossils for absolutely everything but what about the fossils we do have??
If I lined up a knife, a fork, and a spoon, and said "look, the silverware evolved into different utensils. The knife evolved into the fork." That would be completely ridiculous. But yet, this is exactly what happens with the fossils we do have. Just line up radically different fossils and say "look, they evolved." That's just presupposing evolution.
No. I'm sorry but once again, and I mean no disrespect, but you are WRONG. Seriously. You're ill-informed. You're incorrect. You're just flat out, and I know this for a fact, you are wrong.
We do have transitional forms. We have a lot of transitional forms.
Here are some:
PHOTOS: 7 Major "Missing Links" Since Darwin
Once again, you're not presenting anything new to me here. Like I said, this isn't my first conversation with an evolutionist. Take this first link, it's an example of exactly what I've been talking about. Those aren't fossils, they're just man made drawing. I did not ask for fantasy book pictures, I asked for real and actual fossils. Then they have a man made picture of fossils of radically different animals, and saying "look, they evolved," but like I've been saying, that's just presupposing evolution.
Why is there no reason to?
You haven't presented any scientific, objective evidence that micro evolution leads to macro. It's just an assumption and speculation.
THEY ARE FOSSILS!!!! I don't even know what to say to you at this point, because this is getting rather frustrating. The drawings are BASED ON FOSSILS!!
Man made drawing are not actual fossils. If they had the actual fossils, then why can't we ever see them? If the actual fossils are there, then there's no need for the pretty pictures, that's just what they would EXPECT the fossils to look like if they ever found them. I'm asking for real and actual fossils here, and I don't think that's an unreasonable standard for evidence.
No, it's because it makes a lot of sense! You said "I don't deny that change over time is real". That's a direct quote from you. Evolution is change over time! Saying evolution is real is not necessarily the same as saying that we are a result of evolution. Please don't think that's what I'm saying. However, if you admit that change over time is real then you admit that evolution is real! Even if you just believe in micro evolution, change over time is a fact!
Oh sure, micro evolution is change over time, and I already accepted that from the get go of this conversation. Macro evolution could also be called "change over time." Heck, the phrase "change over time" itself is very vauge. You could look at the standard bicycle design from the 1900's, 1910's, 1920's etc. to the modern day and call that "change over time." Does that mean the bicycle evolved by a process of unguided changes and mutations? No, all the bicycles were designed. And once again, Micro =/= Macro, even though you keep claiming it does, you have provided 0 evidence for it.
And no, it's not "just because that's what [I was] told to believe"! It's because I've researched this a lot and it makes a ton of sense!
If I may, I'd like to suggest to you the possibility that it makes sense to you becuase you presuppose evolution, and it doesn't make sense to me because I don't presuppose that evolution is true. What do you say to that idea?
Ok then you're never going to get that unless you can somehow live for millions of years, which I doubt you can so I guess you're out of luck. However I still think it's ridiculous that because you haven't seen asexual organisms evolve into sexual organisms you're going to toss out the theory of evolution. What about all the other evidence that may be more substantial for you?
I wouldn't expect to see the whole thing if it did take millions of years. Once again we come to the "millions of years" as a catch all excuse to sweep the problems and lack of evidence under the rug. Look, if an asexual organism was starting to evolve sexual organs, we should expect to see some sort of change in the physical structure of their systems regarding those organs. We should be able to see SOMETHING. But all we have are 2 complete opposite ends of the spectrum, finished products if you will. Those opposite ends being asexual organisms and sexual organisms, with nothing inbetween. If an asexual organism was starting to evolve into having sex organs, we should be able to physically see SOMETHING in regards to those organs beginning to develope. Where is the evidence for this?
That's not at all what I said. I don't. At all. I don't care what religion someone is as long as their science is accurate and they have proper creditably from the scientific community.
Uh oh, this sounds like hints of the peer review fallacy (it's an appeal to authority fallacy). Please don't tell me you subscribe to the typical mindset of "if it's peer reviewed, then it's automatically true, and if it doesn't have the peer review stamp on it, then it's automatically false."
I would love to see the evidence. I don't get why you're so reluctant to give it to you when I've provided as much evidence as you want to the best of my ability and you're so reluctant to give me any. I'm trying to be open minded. Like I said I don't think I'm a very bias person. Just because I am not necessarily going to change my opinion doesn't mean I'm close minded. If you provide facts that are reliable of course I'm going to look over them just like I'd review something written by an atheist or a muslim or jew or whatever! I don't care who it's by, I care about the information!
I am reluctant because every indication you've given me so far is that you're not open-minded, especially with your comments about automatically discarding anything from creationists, for the sole reasoning being that they're creationists (since you haven't presented anything wrong creationists as a whole). I'm not convinced that it would be worth my time to talk about evidence for the Bible with you (that and I'd prefer to finish up the talks about evolution first since these posts are already getting really long, and I don't want to make them longer by talking about another 20 topics simultaneously). Or if you really want to have a conversation with me, I could invite you to the chat room where I'm a moderator.