1. They should all be working 18 hour days, either manual labour, or in call centres. Governments should sell the prisoners' cheap labour to private industry, and this way local businesses can compete with cheap foreign labour, also reducing the cost of goods and services.
I agree this should be done, but 18 hour days is too much, doing manual labour many would quickly suffer exhaustion and other problems requiring medical treatment, wiping away some of the benefit, but in general I say take away the playstation and hand these people a shovel.
2. They should be forced to donate blood. Screening methods would need to be tough, as these are high risk people. There would be enough blood for everyone if blood was taken from prisoners regularly.
Not a bad idea to have them donate blood, but I don't think we should start forcing medical procedures on prisoners, if blood drives aren't done at criminal institutions then they should start, but it should be voluntary like everone else, I would think a high number would do it because it would be considered 'good behaviour' the reward for that should be a lot smaller than it is right now as sometimes 'good behaviour' cuts sentences in half, but it would at least provide them with an insentive to participate.
3. For the murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc., their organs should be harvested, and given to people who need them. This would cut organ donation lists dramatically. I only mean non-vital organs (kidney, lung, bone marrow, etc.). I think once you kill or rape someone, you give up your right to live freely in society and have the same rights as everyone else. Society gets no recompense from that person being in jail, society only gets the bill, and assurance of no additional crimes from that person for a limited time. People who commit serious crimes should have to repay their debt to society in very real ways.
I don't agree with this at all, firstly I sincerely hope no surgeon worth their salt would agree to do a procedure in that circumstance knowing the patient did not consent. In the UK organ donors remain anonymous and so patients have to trust the service is ensuring the organs being used are obtained ethically, I wouldn't be too thrilled if I found out an organ came from someone who had been forced, criminal or otherwise. Like the blood donation I think it is an option that should offered to long term inmates knowing it will reflect better on them when it comes time to consider their release.
4. Again, for serious criminals only, all of their assets should be stripped from them, sold, and the proceeds used for charitible purposes. For prisoners who do their time and get out, they should be given a bill at the end of their sentence for the cost of their stay in jail, and be required to pay the government back over the course of their lifetime. No more freeriding.
In practive I think this would lead to an embittered society and even more crime, it would compound the suffering of family members, who might lose their home under this practice, and if we put criminals in large debt upon their release we would be encouraging them to remain a criminal, not re-enter society as a hard working person willing to pay their way legitimately.
In general prison should be a place of no comforts to make criminals realise how much they gain by being civillised in society, sadly human rights groups and others have led us to a point where some people in society who do actually work and obey the law enjoy a similar or lower standard of living than those in prison and that is an absolute disgrace, we don't need to betray our principles in order to adeqautely punish criminals, just be willing to impose on them the bare minimun required for human survival, I'd gladly bear the cost of running a prison service if it were effective, but nowadays our social conscience has undermined the punishment of criminals to such an extent that many do not differentiate between being out of jail and being in.