There is a story in the bible about a women who kept at it, with a JUdge about a situation, it dosn't say what, but it said, actually Jesus I think was telling this, in an illustration. Until the Judge said , give her what she's asking for, before she drives me crazy, actually said, that.
And so how much more will your heavenly father answer you, if you keep knocking. Or having faith, in prayer to recieve.
I want to share a true story that happened to me a while ago.
There was something I needed to use and not go to extreams with spending lots of money, actually it was for a family member who needed a product to tme her hair.
After her buying all kinds of products, and I mean all kinds, it got costly.
I intervened with prayer, and asked the Lord to help in this situation.
The answer did not come the next day, it was about a week, and I knew that our Heavenly Father was going to interveine and help.
One day after I let it go, and was staying in peace, like the word says, bring
your prayers, and petitions, and the peace of God will guard your heart, and mind.
ONe day 10 or 15 minutes before I was getting to get up, I was sleeping, but it was time about that time to wake up, as usual, there was like an angel shouting, and I mean, like a megaphone, shouting in a child like sweet, submissive tone, a name, it shouting that name, and it was like bang, my eyes opened, and it was said, about 3 times, maybe so I would remember it. I got up in a flash, and went and asked my daugther to look this up on the web, as I didn't know what it was, I never used it, never heard of it, and never seen it.
She looked it up, and it was the product that was the answer to the prayer.
It was ordered out of the United States, and it is the answer even today.
If this was done in a salon, it would cost 200 $. But it cost under 20 $ or less.
God is faithfull, we just need to be.
Today I thought why did I need to wait so long, today I thought maybe it was the Lord wanted to see, if we have the faith, to be patient, and permission needs to be given to angelic beings, upon his orders, it does say, they are sent from God, ministering beings.
This is true, and not the first time I was awaken by something supernatural, once to save my life, which was posted some where else, when I felt a touch on my shoulder, saying, wake up, there is danger, it saved my life.
I don't know if these presence is just the HOly Spirit speaking within us, I believe it is, but it was so loud, and almost like in a victory shout, like here is your answer, be at peace.