Pride is a terrible thing. It is like a plague, or disease. The longer it exists the more further it takes us from the hearat of God. god always wanted love to exist in heaven, his love, his glory. Just as disobedience in the life of Adam and Eve, they has more parat of his glory and were told to leave. Satan it seems didn't want to leave, a war went on, and he was cast out. The character of evil is fear. they know they are doomed into eternal hell, for ever. It is the very nature of the kingdom of evil, fear. the evil spirits always cause fear to other's through hatred, bullying, put downs, condemnation to believers, because they fear they've done something wronge and are afraid to present themselves to the Father, this is from the devil. The Lord teaches us to have faith. Dear brings insecurities, about our position with our FAther God. As he played mind games with Eve, he the liar, and deciever plays the same game with believers, at times. From bringing condemnation from how you dress, to what you do. From a to z there is a filty trick of deception to dirty our conscience of intimidation, and disgrace, of feeling unworthy, and many believers live under the lie of this kind of authority which is from hell, and is a strongehold of the mind. I wondered once about how people are that don't yell out HEy I'm a so and so, believer. We don't know their personal lives, some we do, as one executive of a clothing store, recently in NY, was passing out clithes and blankets to the homeless, and found this man from Czech, when asked what do you want, he said just to go back home. He was robbed of his money, things, etc. Jesus said what you do to the least of these, you have done it unto me, even if you give a glass of water, you will not lose your reward. This principal of sowing and reaping, Love, is what God desires. To love is his ministry. If I give all my money and do not have love, it is nothing. It really is nothing. But a noise. Love isn't a noise, something that is disturbing, the Love of God, is peacefull, and pure. Why are so many believers feeling unpeacefull, and disturbed, it's something to check on the balance of Love in your heart. Sometimes it gets depleted, sometimes there's a draft of coldness. Many could accept the Lord, but what comes after that is a fork in the road. Jesus himeself said, many shall say unto me Lord Lord, we did this and that. Pride, greed, looking for fault, is the road that will take you to hell, and there's no road back. Today is a time to reflect on this past year, and learn from mistakes, yearn to learn, that this coming year will be one we could look back on and say, I don't feel regrets about,,,, Watching the clock and the ball fall, is materialistic. Let's pray the New Year IN.! YAY! with confidance.