Thats wrong
They are sooooo cute...
But i bet its because they are so tiny that you might hurt them or kill them....
I know, I love them also. We have feeders everywhere.
We found out about the law here in the U.S. when a hummingbird hit our window and was injured.
We contacted a bird santuary, care facility ,to see if they could help. We were not allowed to touch te hummingbird unill they gave us facts on what to do, and then only long enough to place it in a box for its protection.
They came out to pick up the hummingbird and cared for it untill it recovered.
They told us the law ws there because the birds were getting injured by those that did not understand how delicate they are.
So we are happy to feed and watch them, and if they need help we know who to call.
God bless, pickles