I am not afraid to state that, I myself clearly recognize facing my first "dragon." It was not the most pleasant thing I will tell you that. But it wasn't as terrifying as I thought it to be during the time, because in order to get me to face it, (I was afraid of everything at that point) there was a lot of trickery involved just to get me there. That's when a voice of authority appeared and rebuked it and gave me comfort until I could go to sleep. (And I know who it is that casts out the dragon and locks those gates.) I paid a great cost after that, becoming what many would consider "crazed." i was speaking from a part of myself that I can not explain. It was amazing and shocking all at the same time. It made me sad when that voice of authority stopped being present, but I know that I was given time to come to Jesus and God because of it. And if ever I face such evilness again, I know now it will not be so subtle, but neither will my faith in God and all of His powerful help that He offers. And if that sounds to anyone like a mental illness, then it was accepting Jesus and trusting in God that cured it. And if God ever needs use of a person with the mental capacity of unseen struggles, then I myself am and always will be there for people that have those struggles. Both visual, physical, mental, and perceptual. The "higher" you climb towards doing Gods will for you, the more things from the "bottom" will try and attach themselves to you. I laugh when this happens, but it is not my laughter, it is the "things from the bottoms" laughter. But they always slink away when that voice of authority becomes present, I know it is real, because I can not hear it or feel it's presence just by thinking about it or dwelling on it. It truly only shows up when I am facing danger that is greater than what I have gotten myself into. I guess what I am saying, is when God is the one that helps you to find faith, you better know it that God and all of His angels etc. are going to help defend you and shelter you from all that wish to pervert your faith. The worst times are when you close your eyes to see worse things then when your eyes are open. I suggest keeping them open, and remember. God will not tempt you. Satan is the tempter. Most of satans lies or tricks will dissolve before those very words, "My faith is solid, and you are a tempter." Even if you feel not in control of the situation, even a lone man has a voice, if he finds the free will to use it. Say something firm like, "Silence!" Take control, and God and His help will give you the strength, words, and thoughts to cast out evil of any form. People can not face death or eternal life if they can not brave the 'arcane" that satan will use to scare you if he can not entice you with them. Sounds kind of silly. And at times that is all it is. But how amazing is it to know that even when you face things like that, even when most people do not or will not believe you, you still have the power to beat it. Just by believing it is real, and letting God give you the knowledge, strength, guidance, and help to do so! Makes me feel like God really cares about me, even if other people can't see or refuse to believe what happens to me. Blain if you ever want to hear details about what I have dealt with, or would like to share more, please e-mail me through CC. -Mike