- (me) Brussels info, Oscar Oscar Victor Charlie Mike
- OOVCM, Brussels, good afternoon, go ahaid
- Brussels, OOVCM, we're a c152, VFR from grimbergen to hoevenen, position 2 miles north of grimbergen, 1000 feet, QNH 1021, request trafic info.
- OOVCM, Brussels, radar identified north of grimbergen, regional QNH 1020.
- Radar identified, QNH 1020, OOVCM.
- OOVCM, Brussels, are you north of Charleroi?
- (me) Uuhhhmmm, negative, current position north of EKERE near Antwerp
- (silence).... (with a hesitating voice) roger....
They were following the wrong guy all the time, thinking it was me