The Thing On Hobbit Road:
By: Me.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a Marshmallow. The Marshmallow was an Old Young Freaky Tiger Marshmallow. He lived on Hobbit Road, in a dumpster. As the years passed, the Marshmallow had walked. And reached his destination: Flippin Ninja School. The Old Young Freaky Tiger Marshmallow, had trained for years. To eat upon the table of Aphoon the Ancient Hamburger. But, in order to fulfill his wish, the Old Young Freaky Tiger Marshmallow had to pounce upon the Racing Lollipop, Clobber the Hammering Windex Bottle, smack the Thundering Cheesepuff, and last but not least, wish upon the hair of a Frito.
Trying his hardest the Marshmallow pounced toward the Racing Lollipop. But, He SLIPPED!!! He ended up eating the dust on the Hamburger's toes, rapping on the Old Mans hair, belly flopping on top of the Old Gingo Spit Dragon Thingy, and ended up breakdancing on top of the Frito.
Aphoon The Ancient Hamburger burst out laughing and decided to take the Old Young Freaky Tiger Marshmallow, as his Breakdancing, Belly Flopping, Rapping, Dust Eating cousin, in three quarters of a half life. And the Marshmallow got his wish and got to eat at the table of the Ancient Hamburger named Aphoon.
To be continued...