Did anyone hear about the Dinosaur someone found with blood vessels? Yeah. Soft tissue survived 68 million years.(I didn't pull that number out of a hat- that's what they're trying to say.) Hurray for science. Now if only I could get canned food to survive that long.... (Can you wrap your head around how much time that is? That is a LOT of time.)
This is from a deliberate misquote of a for profit magazine not a scientific journal. Even in this article the author states "Perhaps the mysterious structures were, at best, derived from blood, modified over the millennia by geological processes." and
But more work needs to be done before we are confident enough to come right out and say, "Yes, this T. rex has blood compounds left in its tissues." Schweitzer, M. and T. Staedter,1997 The Real Jurassic Park, Earth, June pp. 55-57
The same author in a scientific peer reviewed journal states "Geochemical interactions with biomolecules preserved in fossil bone over millions of years are to be expected, and the presence of additional, nonhemoglobin signals detected by the various physical methods is not unexpected given the highly degraded and diagenetically altered biological compounds in the bone." Schweitzer, Mary H., Mark Marshall, Keith Carron, D. Scott Bohle, Scott C. Busse, Ernst V. Arnold, Darlene Barnard, J. R. Horner, and Jean R. Starkey 1997A Heme compounds in dinosaur Trabecular bone Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 6291-6296, June
Here's a snippet from an article:
"Scientists modelling Titan’s[Saturn's Moon
] atmosphere have calculated that it should contain no methane but should have been used up in tens of millions of years That’s because many chemical reactions use up methane in Titan’s atmosphere. Although there is some replenishment with methane evaporating off Titan’s surface this is not enough to solve the problem. In fact, there is probably also methane escaping Titan’s atmosphere into space,which would mean that Titan’s calculated upper limit ‘age’ could be even younger than 10 million years. Clearly this is contrary to the billions-of-years age for the solar system. On the other hand, such evidences of youth are expected for a solar system of biblical age."
Young solar system
(The link will show more "mysteries" that scientists who believe the billion years stick can't explain- but creationism to it's core((The earth being thousands of years old)) does explain. Just scroll down from the video- the video is only explaining what the site is about.)
Evidence from the GCMS (Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer) on the Huygens probe showed evidence of liquid methane within the surface material of Titan. This indicates that the source of methane on Titan is geological and is replenished due to geological processes
I took a Botany class in college- where the teacher tried to prove to us how macroevolution was true. She showed us many things, and each time she showed us something, instead of doubting in our Lord I praised him. 'Cause this is a seriously cool planet.
But what really gets me is- well before I dig in you should know these two things: #1- Bees see ultraviolet light. #2 Humans do not.(Though we have awesome technology that shows us things)
I was shown how evolution was so very precise that a particular flower has developed arrows pointing to its pollen. These arrows can only be seen in ultraviolet light. She was telling me how evolution did that so that the bees know where to go.
Unfortunately your teacher either did not understand the subject or explained it incorrectly. In UV flowers look different than in normal light. Most have what looks like a bulls eye where the pollen is - it is a different colour. This is what attracus the bees. There are no arrows.
An arrow is a triangle. Three lines that come together at a point. A human being might look at an electrical outlet and see a face- but is it actually a face? No. We just saw a pattern that reminded us of something. That triangle, arrow, means something to us. It means, THIS WAY. What if we had chosen a square to mean the same thing? Then that triangle would be just a shape among others with no meaning other than what we give it.
A bee doesn't have symbols. A bee doesn't draw things. He doesn't read signs or feel all fuzzy when he sees a less than sign besides the number three.
Those arrows weren't for the bee. Those arrows were for us. Standing as proof of God's creation.
I'm sure that a lot of people defending evolution on this website do believe in God- which is at least one thing. But don't try putting the guy in a box and say he can't do something- when you yourself cannot will your own heart to beat. And if this helps at all, I do believe what the Bible says is true- including the fact that the world was created in 6 days- and on the 7th we rested. I'm surprised that there are so many people here who are saying that it 'just happens' AND 'it was created.' Logic...... loogiiiic you people *said in playful dramatics*