Brother proutled I beg to differ with you on what Church you attend. IT DOES MATTER!!! As you may well know many have left the church, and unfortunately there is good reason for that. If the body of Christ has no order which the Lord commands (1 Cor 14:40) you cannot be in order. If the Church allows its body to have sin, such as fornication or adultery.
The candlestick of that church is removed, and the Lord will not move in that Church which hurts the entire body of Christ. The Church, the REAL Church cares about its members, they check to make sure the body is healthy. For if a part of the body is hurting the whole-body hurts. Ever have a tooth ache for example??
It's not just your tooth that hurts the stomach also is not feeling too good either. lol the pastor and his elders must stay on their toes, to ensure the body of Christ is functioning properly! So, it matters greatly to what Church you attend, because the whole point of the Church is to ensure one's growth not just for yourself, but for the entire body. LOVE is an action, not a feeling.
Please read and consider (James 2:14-26) Also words matter greatly as well!! The very first lesson the Lord taught me was a great change in what I say about myself as well as others.( james3:1-5) and if one is both taught this and follows in this THEN!!!! and only then can God's wisdom also become part of both you and the body of Christ because you are walking in the truth!!( James 3:13-18) I am not rebuking you good brother just having you consider some points that may have escaped you!!( James 1:22!!!) Blessing to you all !