the days and the times that Jesus gives me the strength and stamina to over-come
what most would never dream of that they could never again do if they were me:
if only they would call upon Him for the strength and determination to 'get them out of bed',
and then to go on and do what He gives you the strength and Faith to do...
now this is not on a daily basis, but at His timing and for His reasons, which of course
is because of His intimate Love...
if you believe this, then you will often be very much surprised at how He will
hold your hand and walk/uphold with you to do some of the things that have always brought
you real joy in your life...boy, He is so awesome that i often think that this surely cannot be
real...but let us tell you 'brothers and sisters, it truly is the only thing that is truly REAL in
this 'fallen-world' that we live in...He steps in when He chooses and always reinforces our
Faith and Love for/in Him...