Well as you can see "Time Masheen" is spelled incorrectly. I wouldn't exactly call it a manual but it makes me laugh to do so. Its around 2000 pages & a lot of 'words' have no vowels & theres numbers & stains & doodles everywhere...
The "Time Masheen" was given to me by a scrapyard guy who says he knew a guy who knew a guy that used to be a mad scientist. This mad scientist made the "Time Masheen." Says the mad scientist was very intelligent but he never completely learned how to write. So the manual is useless because only the mad scientist could tell you what it says... except he disappeared the day after he built it & its been 10 years now.
I never got it to work. My dog "used" it once on a cat I THINK... but it was probably an accident.
So you're welcome to "use" it