A postmodernist indeed
... "A Beginner's Guide to Postmodernism" (MP3) - Phil Johnson http://gracelifepulpit.media.s3.amazonaws.com/GL-2006-06-30-PJ.mp3
Who is a postmodernist?
Is it me you are referring to?
Like I said, I believe William Paul Young most likely is universalist, I am ok for those who may be ecunemical(so long as mormons,jehovahs witnesses,other obvious cults and non christians are excluded), and I would not give the shack to someone who did not have discernment between what is in scripture and what is in this book. Having said all this, I beleive a person who can discern the good,the possibly 'new agey'ness and what is inspirational and good from it, and what is not can read the book. I am almost done with it. So far its been good.