Huh? :s
were meant to go back to Halifax yesterday and go back to college today but yesterday morning I woke up with one of those pains I get in my stomach and it got worse then got a little bit better then got worse again. At about 11am my auntie got up as soon as she knew I were having these pains and took me to A&E. We were due a two hour wait but because I was in so much pain they let me jump the queue and I ended up getting to a nurse at half 11. They took my blood pressure which was fine, my temperature which was slightly high and then I had a ten minute or so wait before I was seen by the doctor. He were gonna give me some paracetamol but decided that if he did give me a tablet and water that I'd probably just end up being sick with it so they decided to get me into a bed and inject me with morphine which made me proper numb but took the pain in my stomach away quickly....they took some blood tests and then even got me into one of those awful gowns. It were about half 1 before I saw the doctor again and he said I had a water infection and they suspect that I've got a gall stone. So I spent yesterday feeling high on morphine, ridiculously dizzy and I got back to my aunties with antibiotics and spent the evening sleeping and being sick. I think I were sick are ten times yesterday. I've got the rest of the week off because my auntie spoke to my teacher who said for me to have the whole week off just to make sure I recover