Re: The Ultimate Spammage Thread ?
Yeah! I think the best thing to do is to just turn up today! This is the worst I've had it during the easter holidays so far. I had a srarbucks on wednesday but I made sure I went for the smallest one and I had a muffin but other than that I haven't had pure fatty foods like chips, a full bag of crisps or anything. Infact since I saw my dad I haven't had the urge to snack which I think is amazing! I've woken up and its about half 3 in the morning...I can't sleep BOOOOO!! I did go to sleep mega early though, I went for a cuddle with my mum and fell asleep in her bed, as soon as the cocodamol hit the system I were concked out! My mums woke me up and I just came into my room, checked what time it were, threw myself into bed and were asleep like a light bulb....this were 10pm....I hope this isn't the start of a disfunctional body clock! Cos on wednesday night even after the most amazing, tiring day ever I went to bed at about midnight and were awake for half 6 yesterday morning! Maybe its the ezxitement of having my daddy back in my life????