Well...it's a long story...but basically I'd already seen flashdance in July 2008 and he told me it were going to Birmingham in the following feb so I rang my cousin straight away and said "you'll absolutely love it...they've got girls pole dancing" and he agreed (before I make out my cousin to sound like a right Chav...he's not at all....he's a Christian but we like a good laugh" and one of our cousins who moved to australia a few years ago came to visit a few weeks before we went to see flashdance and so Graeme went "Colin tells me you're taking him to see a booby show soon" and so I laughed...anyway the weeks went on and we carried on with the jokes...of you check out my pictures on facebook under mobile uploads (first album) there's a drawn picture of me and colin saying our words BOOOOOYAHHHH and SHAAAAMO and his eyes popping out at victoria who played alex cos we had this joke that his eyed be popping out like springs from slinky when he saw them in their underwear and pole dancing. Anyway colin went to get his car whilst I met Aaron backstage and he asked me if I'd seen the show and who with and I were like "oh my cousin...we call it the booby show" oh my goodness I didn't half cringe when i'd said it!!!