Cannot even get myself to sleep

dunno if its cos I'm stressed or cos I've taken cocodamol...cocodamol should make me tired though.
Had more tears tonight...dunno who is worse...the woman who destroyed my family or the woman who is stopping me from seeing my dad. I know my dad is at fault too for both things but I love my dad to bits...I could never stop loving him no matter how much he's let me down.
If I could get my hands on both of those women and just scream at them I the other two women...the first woman my dad had an affair with before I was born and the woman who said my dad had been selfish and 'broken her heart' for leaving her when he had just left his wife (my mum) and two daughters (me and my sister)...I would. But I can' I will just pray that God touches all those selfish women, I want him to zap them with His power and His love! I want them to turn to Him and repent for their sins...I want my dad to return to Him and be zapped by God's love and power like he used to be, I want him to forget all the rubbish memories...and I want him to have a wake up call and realise what gail really is! I want nothing to do with her ever again, she's blown it big time...even if she turns to God I will forgive her just like I forgive Sharon for destroying my family, the other woman for causing hurt to my mum, I forgive Teresa for being selfish but I want nothing to do with them no matter what...