Its quite late & there is a murmuring television in the next room. The clock in my room announces every second quite forcefully. The new battery might be too strong.
Its my night off from work and as usual there is no one to spend it with. The energy I need for work scrambles my thoughts ready to do something productive... but I just lay here.
If I lived without electricity would I be better off in productivity? Probably not in the dark.
Its 2:00 am & I hope you're in bed sleeping, snoring, dreaming... I would probably wake you up just to apologise that I'm not sleeping too. Because its good to talk to someone even if they just want to say angry things you'd be thankful if you were a sleepless night stocker. It would make you grin
What a nice thread I have here that does not unravel, I'll tug on it again tomorrow...