"I believe this to be the all of all things...spiritual awareness that
helps promote spiritual growth in my life...here in the now."
'And this I have learned, when something has the potential of hindering
my spiritual consciousness, I have learned not to get caught up in any unnecessary
disturbances created by foolishness that may well render nothing of spiritual importance.'
'It can be witnessed how some may become derailed by attempting to infringe their
foolishness on the foolishness of others...foolishness that festers to the point of nothing
of value to be accomplished. I believe the best place for foolishness is to be left with
the cold heart from where it came. And I understand the stubborn and rebellious have
not the spiritual maturity to change...they are what they have created...most likely gaining
only the inability to be a vessel of Jesus Christ, from where comes profound spiritual teachings
to help us in this troublesome world...here in the now.'