LOVE THAT SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....hahahahaha
Pa: "I think I saw a hairbrush back there!"
Larry: "Back there is my hairbrush. Back there is my hairbrush. Back
there, back there, oh, where, back there, oh, where, oh, where, back
there, back there, back there ... is my hairbrush!"
Narrator: "Having heard his joyous proclamation, Junior Asparagus enters
the scene. Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a
towel, Junior regains his composure and comments ..."
Junior: "Why do you need a hairbrush? You don't have any hair!"
Narrator: "Larry is taken aback. The thought had never occured to him.
No hair? What would this mean? What will become of him? What will become
of his hairbrush? Larry wonders ..."