I want my dad not to be solidified in his want for miracles that he includes me without my thoughts. Its not that I doubt but if its a prayer that he sees is necessary but I see as unimportant because there are other things that are more important much more important what do I say if he thinks when I open my mouth I simply doubt. Is it doubt? There are things struggles big and small and I place all the bigger ones first because the smaller ones seem unimportant because its like changing a car tire or losing weight its up to you to do that isn't it... but I've heard that I should put all big and small before The Lord. Hmm... I will pray with my dad but I will also pray that my dad find patience in his want for more miracles. The Lord does things as He sees fit and if we want... is that ok? I know there are simple wants; to drink water to watch tv, and then there are wants that take up our whole day or week or life... are simple wants fine? I think I know the answer but I'd like some friendly advice.