Hahaha sorry
well I've got another story....it's not gross....just funny.
I used to go to the apostolic conference with a lot of my dads side of the family and my friend Florence. The houses we stayed in were for students at the university in Swansea and they held about 16 people. So during one dinner time we were all really bored because it were raining and we'd already caused havoc all week. All the adults with cars were at a meeting down at the university, so we were stuck in the student village. So nathan and my cousin came up with the idea of swapping the ketchups round....there's several types of ketchup here and two of the brand we had happened to be daddies and Heinz. And one of my cousins, jonny can only have Heinz because other brands 'make him ill' so for a laugh nathan and graeme squeezed the Heinz ketchup into a bowl and squeezed the daddies ketchup into the Heinz bottle before making a paper funnel to scoop the Heinz into the daddies bottle. Because jonnys an obvious target for laughing at and he were the only one that made a fuss about the type of ketchup he had we decided to tell everyone we'd gone to Swansea with and tell them to keep it quiet so jonny wouldn't find out. During every meal time we all collapsed in laughter as we were all making these jokes between us, going "Jonny, is daddies slimier than Heinz" and he'd go "oh yes!", "jonny, does daddies give you a head ache?" "oh yes!" we threw constant questions at him the whole week and the more questions he answered the more we laughed. We managed to keep it quiet for the whole week and to this day he still doesn't know that he was using daddies tomato sauce hahahahahaha.
Anyway I want to go to Swansea for more jokes hahahaha