Our chickens are producing so many eggs, that we have been able to give them to those who need in our community.
Then my husband and I went chantrelle mushroom picking today, and gathered almost 40 lbs.
Then my daughter helped a local fresh vegie stand aquire tomatoes for a good price.
So I now have over a 100 lbs of tomatoes to can, the owner was so thankful, she had me fill a lg box with all the vegies I wanted.
So much provided by God Our Father, our dinner tonight was free eccept for the meat we had with it.
Small steaks, baked potatoes, sautayed mushrooms and onions, with fresh corn on the cob, what a meal!
Thankyou Father for all your gifts, provision, all is trully your glory!
Now I just need the streangth I know in Jesus, that God will provide, to can and proccess it all.
God bless