I've planned out how I'd like my digs to be in heaven. I'd like it to have two stair cases going upto the same floor from opposite ends of the house. I'd like to have a double bed that converts into a bouncy castle and has a mahooooosive slide at the end of the bed. I'd like a walk in wardrobe. I'd like a gym with a sauna, jacuzzi, swimming baths with slides and a roller coaster. An indoor theme park specifically with the waltzers. A huge dance studio with ballet barres. A walk in wardrobe for my leotards, jazz pants, footless tights, ballet tight, ballet shoes, jazz shoes, pointe shoes and foot thongs. A slush puppy machine. A fridge freezer with an ice despencer. A living room with a grand piano and a corner sofa and a telly and a mac. I'd like a room dedicated to a huge soft play area for everyone. I'd like a playground in my garden. DREEEEEEAM on