Jesus was clear, He founded His church, not thousands of different churches, not your church, not my church, but His church.
That's very clear in Scripture. There are hundreds of different countries in the world, many different armies, but they are are all different/opposed to each other. And it's the same way with so called Christian churches, all opposed to each other. Jesus only founded one church and promised it's followers 2 thousand years ago that He'd be with them til the end of time. If the founder of your church/denomination is a man/woman then it can't be the church that Jesus founded. Simple concept.
I emphasise that Jesus founded His church, only one church. So, if a man/woman founded the denomination/church you belong to, it's not the church that Jesus founded, it's not the true church/denomination. If your church/denomination was founded by a man/woman after Jesus founded His church, it's just not Jesus' church.