"Seduxisti me Domine et seductus sum."
I have a thing for Latin... haha. It means "You have seduced me, Lord, and I have beens seduced." It comes from a Jeremiah 20:7-13 and is about being ridiculed for firm belief in God, trusting God despite this, and remaining stead fast in that trust in order to do God's will and ultimately prevail.
I like it, because each of us has a vocation, though we may not know it...we must trust that God knows what is best for us despite what we think we know is best for us, especially when our peers say otherwise.
I have a thing for Latin... haha. It means "You have seduced me, Lord, and I have beens seduced." It comes from a Jeremiah 20:7-13 and is about being ridiculed for firm belief in God, trusting God despite this, and remaining stead fast in that trust in order to do God's will and ultimately prevail.
I like it, because each of us has a vocation, though we may not know it...we must trust that God knows what is best for us despite what we think we know is best for us, especially when our peers say otherwise.