it would seem were look at this "what its like to be poor" through one lens. We have found some "poor" like where they are at. Then many that don't like it. And to be set free so to speak. To go back to.. working, bills, responsibility they don't want what. Gladly take the money and "Being poor means you must depend on God more, " No.. I don't find this to be true. This depends on who you talk to. My wife is from LA and we lived there for many years. Seen way to many when offered something.. would not take it.. would not even talk to you. Just showing another side.
Theres so much not being talked about here. And there is always a way out. You know when Christ said "seek and you shall find" "knock and the door shall be open". Anyone can use that. There is always someone out there that will help. Like I said.. many want help as in clothes, food. But a way out? No. Many others do want help can't see a way out. And if we add GOD to this, to help the poor you don't just give them things, money clothes and leave and feel good. You did nothing. See to help the poor.. you keep helping till that one gets back on their feet. "what else do you need?" you keep giving.
And who does GOD hear? He is holy. If your poor or rich. If your a sinner He does no hear you. If you make the choice to follow believe, repent.. YES He hears you. He hears the righteous He does not hear the unrighteous/sinner. What our GOD has done for ONE He does for all. There is no poor out there the He can not save.. He always makes a way out. WE just won't take it. I am talking about those in cities and the like. There are so many in this world that there would seem no way out. Yet all things are possible to them that believe
For God.. that rich man that knows Him not.. or the believer that values money or THINGS of this world. They are poor. For you say, 'I am rich, and I have grown rich, and I have need of nothing.' And you do not realize that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked."
This is why the poor "But the poor will inherit the earth, will delight in great prosperity. ". God has not forgotten them

They have no clue what is about to happen for them.