Actually, it's a good place for them to be 
There are worse chat rooms they could be in.
As Christians, we need to be able to verbalize what we believe and why we believe it. When we are attacked, what an opportunity! Jesus said 'the world will hate you because it first hated me' or something close to that.
I think some people just get bored and like to see how much trouble they can stir up and inflaming the Christians is very entertaining. Don't fall into the trap!
It's a God-given opportunity to practice speaking words of love in the face of contempt, ridicule, and hatred.
What a blessing these people are.
If they get too obnoxious, they are banned.
Try to patient with them....most of us were in the exact same place not that long ago
There are worse chat rooms they could be in.
As Christians, we need to be able to verbalize what we believe and why we believe it. When we are attacked, what an opportunity! Jesus said 'the world will hate you because it first hated me' or something close to that.
I think some people just get bored and like to see how much trouble they can stir up and inflaming the Christians is very entertaining. Don't fall into the trap!
It's a God-given opportunity to practice speaking words of love in the face of contempt, ridicule, and hatred.
What a blessing these people are.
If they get too obnoxious, they are banned.
Try to patient with them....most of us were in the exact same place not that long ago
if you were to follow the teachings of Christ on this matter, it would include a sandle shaking and a strong rebuke, no where in scripture do we find this long term soul winning attempt exept in a unequally yoked union, where the spouse should try to win their mate over by living a Godly life, atheist coming to Christian websights are not here because they are searching for truth, their here to do their fathers will