To post the harsh truth to many lost souls who profess to be of Christ, but serve the god of this age!
You Reap What you Sow (the inevitable consequences of sin)
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Gal6:7-8
The Bible assures us that the thief comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy; But Christ has come to bring abundant Life! (John10:10) Redemption in Christ is the Promise of a life FREE from the ‘Corruption’ that is in the world through lust. (2Pet1:3-4) Reaping Corruption is sowing unto Death, meaning in the Scripture the OPPOSITE of Spiritual, abundant Life! ‘For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you Put to death the deeds of the body you will live!’ Rom8:13
Corruption of the body is a natural occurrence. (from the dust you came to the dust you shall return Gen3:19) But Corruption of the spirit is a moral decadence that will result in Eternal misery separated from God. Death in the Bible is ‘Thanatos’, It is used in reference to Physical death of the body (1Cor15:54-56) and spiritual Death of the soul (as second death Rev20:6, 13-14) Therefore when the Scripture says that Sowing according to the flesh Reaps Corruption or Death (Rom8, Gal6) it applies to the spirit of man reaping eternal misery in hell.
Why would Peter say in 2Pet1:4 that the Promises were given so that man could ESCAPE the Corruption that is in the world through Lust, if it meant anything LESS than the Same Corruption people walking according to the lust and uncleanness of their flesh would also suffer? (2Pet2:10, 12) The same holds true of Rom8:6 ‘To be Carnally minded is Death, to be spiritually minded is life and Peace’. Carnal is FLESH, Sarx, Sowing to the Flesh reaps Corruption and Death, in the Same sense as Gal6, eternal misery in hell. It doesn’t require a degree in Rocket Science to Understand this!
The early Christians (untainted by the doctrines & opinions of men) said there ‘There are two ways, one of life, one of death and there is a GREAT Difference between the two Ways’ (Didache 1:1) In their Minds the Gospel of Christ was a CHOICE man had to make between the WIDE Road leading to Destruction or the NARROW Way leading to life eternal. (Matt7:14) If ‘Christians’ could Sow Continually to the lust of their flesh, reaping only destruction and misery in their lives on earth, and STILL inherit eternal life, there is really no Point in the Bible to Differentiate between Ways. Therefore if BOTH Ways lead to eternal life WHY put forth any Effort to Escape the Corruption to begin with?
Herein is the Great Delusion of Present Day Professing Christianity.
They Wallow in Corruption, Shame, Degradation and Destruction, CRYING out for help because sin has made ruination of their lives, BUT YET REMAIN in the Pig Pen descending deeper and deeper into the depths of their own depravity. The Words of their Pastor-Shepherds have made them Worthless as they seek godly council and find only further Vain Promises of Peace that cannot profit. They gather before the Lord without Shame and claim His Promise of eternal life while they Walk according to the evil desires (and imaginations) of their flesh. But SIN is NOT without its Consequences if the remnants of a conscience still reside within their heart.
As certain as you will Reap what you Sow, so also SIN will Separate you from God. ‘Your iniquities have separated you from your God and your sins have hidden His face from you!’ Isa59:2. ‘He who covers his sins shall not prosper, but confesses and FORSAKES them shall have mercy!’ Prov28:13. The Eternal Truth remains despite what the worthless Shepherds are saying …. MERCY is extended ONLY to those who FORSAKE (depart from, leave behind, abandon, get free from) their SINS! But if you believe within your mind that you can never STOP Sinning then the outcome of Judgment is certain, and anguish and distress will be your constant companions in life.
Reaping a Harvest of Sin!
Here’s a Short List of the Common Sins Professing Christians are admittedly in bondage to:
1) Internet Pornography, rampant among Pastors, church leaders & men in general
2) Marriage infidelity including all sorts of unclean relationships, same sex & multiple partners
3) Fornications with multiple partners involving children born to unwed mothers, beatings, moral abuse
4) Drunkenness, worldly indulgences, excessive debauchery and abominable behavior
Professing Christians like to put on airs to maintain a ‘form’ of godliness. Although the churches are hot beds for immoral behavior of every sort, not everyone has soiled themselves to the same level of corruption as described above. BUT by their silence in the midst of such ungodliness they are approving of those who DO practice these things! (Rom1:31) No one could say it better than Prophet Jeremiah:
“They have sown wheat but reaped thorns; They have put themselves to pain but do not profit. But be ashamed of you Harvest because the Lord’s anger is against you!’ Jer23:13
In accordance this perfectly describes the perspective of present Day Christianity. They SOW the Word of God into the thorny hearts of a stiff necked people bent on plowing in a field of iniquity; thus eating the fruit of lies and trusting in their own way. (Hosea10:13) They claim ‘this is God’s merciful Love!’ BUT again they error because ‘Those who LOVE GOD HATE Sin!’ Ps97:10 and they possess a burning urgency in their hearts to pull such people OUT of the fire before it’s too late! They NEVER passively assume that people doing such things are on Safe ground with God. (because you reap what you sow!)
Lies make the heart of the Righteous sad Ezk13:22 and when they hear a Pastor promising sinners liberty in Christ while they remain slaves to their corruption 2Pet2:18, they Grieve with God! They can NEVER stand by while the Church patronizes people living in vile sins of the flesh with a smile and handshake in the pretense of a phony love they THINK pleases God. BUT they know NOTHING about the True Nature of God! LOVE DOES NOT Rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the Truth! 1Cor13:6. If you loved them as God loves you would TELL them the TRUTH about sin!
‘By Mercy and Truth iniquity is purged and by the fear of the Lord men DEPART evil!’ Prov16:6
But it’s a ‘Judge not’ world among the professed today. No one (including the Pastors) sheds a tear for the lost souls sowing corruption and death. Collectively they have ALL bought into the same lies that everyone’s a wretched sinner saved by Grace and has no place telling others what they should or should not do. They all Sup at the same table in darkness and delusion and its God’s responsibility to ‘Clean’ up the sin in His own good time. BUT HOW can anyone TURN from sin they believe is already PRE-FORGIVEN when they (supposedly) accepted Christ? There is no incentive to motivate a true godly sorrow that would lead to a genuine repentance and clearing of the wrong doing. It’s too easy and much more conducive to excuse the sin as some inbred malady and continue believing God is lenient.
(After all the sun continues to rise, the rain fall, blessings flow and Judgment lingers)
But His longsuffering, goodness and Patience (waiting for you to come to you senses and Repent Rom2:4) is wasted on those in the Delusion of pre-forgiven sins. They were Born in sin, Justified in sin and glory in it without shame or fear of Judgment. They can Sow a HARVEST of iniquity and tell others all day long how much they LOVE God and rejoice in His presence, while they drag His Holy Name into the gutters of lust, perversion, drunkenness, broken homes and filth! HOW long before the Ax is laid to the Root and the Lord’s winnowing fan purges out the chaff? Matt3:12
‘They commit adultery and walk in lies strengthening the hand of the wicked so NO ONE TURNS Back from their Evil Ways!’ Jer23:14
For You have magnified Your word above all Your name. Ps138:1-2
Man’s Concept of God determines his understanding of Right and Wrong, Darkness and Light and the Righteous and the Wicked. Without proper discernment into these matters man will device a distorted perception of Righteous Judgment. They will NOT be able to distinguish between those who serve God and those who do not serve Him. (Malachi 3:10) This skewed Image of God is the reason why so many Professing Christians believe the can Sow to their fleshly (carnal) Corruptions and still Reap LIFE!
What the Religious Establishment has done in the Name of Christianity is Create an IMAGE of God that has the appearance of Righteousness but reflects the nature of man. (i.e. as fully explained in Romans chapter 1:18-31. They know Him as the God of Creation, including His attributes of holiness, mercy and love. Even recognize His eternal power and Godhead, but FAIL to properly glorify Him as revealed). Thus they create in their minds an IMAGE made like ‘corruptible’ Man. Consequently God’s revealed sense of fairness is offset in favor of Sin. No longer does He Judge a sinful person by searching their hearts, testing their minds and GIVING to everyone According to their WAYS. (Jer17:10) {reap what you sow}
NOW He reverses the Process and Rewards the sinful & double-minded with Eternal Life!
In this manner a genuine Righteous Judgment is impossible. (Jh7:24) The ill-defined image of God’s Mercy in the mind of man has rendered the distinction between the Righteous and Wicked indistinguishable. Thoughtlessly professing Christians will call evil good and good evil wholly unaware they are mocking God! (Isa5:20, Gal6:7) They refuse His healing and arrogantly proclaim ‘who can boast having a Pure heart or declare boldly they are clean from sin!’ As though God hand is shortened that it cannot FREE them from the corrupting influence of Sin. (Isa59:1-2, 2Pet1:3-4)
Because the Professing Christian System has a wrong concept of God they deny the possibility of having a Pure heart and use that as an EXCUSE NOT to Pursue one. And since there is also no possibility of being cleansed (clean inside) of sin they use that as an excuse to sin more. By necessity Pastors and other Bible Pundits will rationalize Righteousness (even the possibility of doing what is right by faith working by love) calling it ‘Unrighteousness’, and slandering the truly ‘Holy’ person as unclean! (Prov21:14, Ps37:21)
Scripture reveals that the Law of the Lord is Perfect converting the soul. His testimony is Sure, His statutes Right. His Commandment is Pure enlightening the eyes and the fear of the Lord is CLEAN! Ps19:7-9. Blessed is the man who KEEPS His Word and Seeks Him with the whole heart. He will do no iniquity, Walk in His ways and Diligently searche out the depths of understanding. Ps119:2-6. The WORD is his Rock, his lamp, his constant companion to guide him in his daily walk. He guards his heart with discernment and rejoices to DO what is Right! (Prov6:23, Ps62:6, 1Jh3:7)
The Double-minded (carnal) cannot know the real Mercy of God. They can only devise a reflection of themselves from reading His Word with duplicity in their hearts; So that the Righteous Judgments of God are not fair to recompense every man according to his ways. (reaping what they have sown, corruption or life: ‘Return now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good! Jer18:11, Ezk18:29-32) BUT instead of repenting (and forsaking) the deceptions that excuse their sin they find a false sense of Justification in unrighteousness! (thus ‘suppressing’ the Truth and exchanging it for a lie Rom1:18, 25) Accordingly the Professing Christian Establishment is REAPING a HARVEST of Sin!
Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the LORD, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you. You have plowed wickedness; You have reaped iniquity. You have eaten the fruit of lies, Because you trusted in your own way, Hosea10:12-13