Love love LOVE snow......and winter and even cccold!! but not ice as it gets on the roads, because even though I don't have to drive on it much, my whole family does, and being home praying they make it through, is sometimes a bit hard on me. I absolutely love the freshness snow gives the earth...especially in the country, which is where I grew up. (I miss that!) There is just something magical about it snowing all night and rising to unmarred glistening whiteness!!! I remember both as a kid, and as a Mom too, looking outside in the morning and being struck with two instant and most pleasing thoughts...."Ohhhhhh the snoooow is BEAUTIFUL!!!" and "No School?? Ohhh please, let there be NO SCHOOL!!!!"
P.S.----BrianH??? THE BrianH of howlongago????? (hangman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -The Cat in the Hat-)
and P.S.S. Hi nChrist! Like you, I also love the changing seasons....I can even enjoy the "extremes" but could live without the blazing heat. Each one makes us appreciate the others I think.