I already was. I was either too short for my weight or twice as much as I should be for my height. lol
Would you rather eat spaghetti with chopsticks or without any kind of sauce?
spaghetti with chopsticks and just use your fingers instead!
Ha ha I've tried both by the way.
Ages ago when I was young un the church held an evangelistic event called a fun supper.
You had a menu with a 5 course meal but it did not say what the items were.
Instead all the items were cryptic clues with numbers and you had to pick which numbers
you wanted with each course. Even the cutlery was part of the clues.
So for example
1) Adams ale (we found out was water)
2) strings and things (turned out to be pasta and peas but no sauce)
3) unborn chicken (egg)
4) cube (cheese)
i can't remember them all some were more obvious that others. Some impossible to guess.ee
People ended up getting things like icecream, beans, after dinner mints and nothing to eat them with
or a fork, a knife and a bowl or soup etc
It was really funny but there was a few queasy stomachs by the end of the night.
Would you rather dig a 10 foot by 10 foot hole
or build a 10 foot by 10 foot wall