I would suggest checking out the site:
http://www.drugpolicy.org/marijuana/factsmyths/ to see some of the popular marijuana myths debunked. Only myth they try to debunk on that site I have issue with is the one about using marijuana while pregnant. I would never advocate anyone use marijuana while pregnant.
That alone should give you precedent to suspect all other myth debunking at that site.
What amuses me is that a drug that was done away with for obviously racial and prejudicial reasons(and no scientific or societal reasons at all, except for those steeped in prejudice) is still banned today. What is also amusing is that marijuana is safer than alcohol and actual provides proven medicinal value, yet people are unwilling to legalize it.
Merryheart, Baptistrw, and I could testify to the reasons why, but let us approach this from your research point of view.
Has a sobriety test been done on a drunk person and a stoned one to say which is safer?
When one gets stoned, can they get even more stoned as a drunk person can before they pass out?
If marijuana is available for medicinal use, how many of those patients never tried any harder drugs? I mean, it is well known that one can get used to the effects of marijuana to the point that they can't get that same high as they used to. If used for pain, what keeps them from going to stronger drugs.. and in which case... if using the legal kinds for pain releivers, why use anything illegal then if they are eventually going to use legal but stronger pain relievers? Would the legal pain relievers take them on a longer path to the harder pain relievers in life? Would marijuana slow that path or speed it up?
I had a friend in high school that claimed he was using marijuana for medicinal purposes as his eye doctor prescribed it for him. He shares it(not with me),, and I saw him passing white powder in a small plastic bag at the cafeteria in school one time so I talked to him about it right then and there. I found out he was selling the stuff, and if he doesn't do it, somebody else will. The Lord had me say something to him, and I think I saw some grounds where he was deciding to stop with whatever that white powder was, but he continued on with the druglife throughout his life until a few years ago when I heard how much rockbottom he had hit in order for him to stop. Whethor that is currently true.. I know not.
So I would like to know the resources and the producers of these surveys and statistics that you are getting this research on. Have you done your research to see if they are connected to the drug underworld? Then again, maybe you may not want to do that kind of digging for an expose'.
People say marijuana should stay illegal because it would cause society to deteriorate if it was legalized, but it is the exact opposite. Society deteriorates because it is illegal. In every country where marijuana is legalized or where marijuana laws are lax crime rate is lower. In countries such as the Netherlands, illegal use of marijuana amongst teens even DECREASES once marijuana is legalized. It doesn't increase like people assume it would.
If marijuana has a tendency to cause this character trait to lose respect for authority, then cops that uses it will more than likely overlook some crime as well. This easy going attitude is certainly would lead to lax in judgment... partiality.. and apathy... thus less crime reported... from the victims as well.
Marijuana legalization would also stimulate the economy. not only through a marijuana market, but through the re-introduction of a hemp industry. Hemp was always a big source of economic benefit in the US from its start. George Washington even promoted the production of hemp, saying "Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere."
Then how could it not be as popular as tobacco is today? Did you research that? If you saw how tobacco took off in the world back then.. then how come hemp didn't?
Besides promoting economy, there is the issue of problems created due to the illegality of marijuana. The 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendment are violated due to the illegality of marijuana. One good example of this is civil asset forfeiture.
The way this point is being driven, I don't buy it. Sounds like hype to me. If one takes an issue and pursue one side of it, then it is more likely to be a campaign as if used in a debate format to prove their side on the issue than a well-balanced research paper on the subject of legalizing marijuana, showing the pros and cons of the issue. For all intents and purposes, marijuana could never have become illegal if well received even by George Washington so something is wrong. Something is missing. Something is way off that we are not really getting the whole picture.
I have to say that for a debate team format, you have a made a validating front for legalizing marijuana, but speaking from experience of how my brother dragged my parents down with him and how I have not seen NOT one beneficial user from the drug, I hope you lose your debate; no offense.