God leads me to go all natural and to stay away from a lot of the things out there that cover up symptoms and cause more medical problems, which in turn cause more things wrong with a person so they have to take more meds. It is a vicious cycle that I want no part of. If others wish to do so, that is their choice and I would never dream of telling someone their decision to do so is wrong or they shouldn't think that way. I trust God to lead my life and He does not want me taking prescription meds that could cause harm to my body or even death.
hope and pray your days are better and that you are finding the path that God wants you on,
because it is obvious that He is working on you pretty intensely to help get you better.
I have some very serious issues, and my husband and I have been blessed to be shown by God
some wonderful, inexpensive remedies, some of my issues are similar to yours.
our common link, is sever-pain. I would like to share a few with you.
we have obtained our knowledge through many, many, years of trial and error.
just to name a few:
Bragg's whole apple cider vinegar
plenty of clean and chemically-free water and pure juices,
=home-made is the best.
you can 'google' a pretty good list of 'anti-inflam'. (biggest KEY to pain elimination)
these are only a few of the wonderful, natural, remedies that our Father has provided
for us, only we must do the research, because, as you have discovered, many doctors
just don't really 'care'.
I would like to add, that for many of us who have had to work at jobs that were very
strenuous and traumatic to our bodies for many years, some things can of course never
be completely 'fixed'/healed', but we can help ourselves and truly have a better quality of life,
and yes, prayer always helps!