Sadly Miri I can't say I agree with you in regards to asking your MD. Having been in the medical field for 25 years I can tell you that they do not know everything and one place where they are the least trained is nutrition. They are trained in offering medication to "take care" of the problem but know little about how to effectively use food as medication. Yes, food is medication. Your body processes everything differently. What hurts one person is good for another. An MD will send you to a dietitian. That is the wrong place to find your answers. Again I speak from experience as my husband was sent to see a dietitian rather then a nutritionist. There is a vast difference. I was not in agreement with what the dietitian as she was ok with processed foods and sugars, "in moderation" of course.
I do however agree with the long term effects of diabetes. My father died from complications of diabetes and all 5 of my brothers are at different stages of Type 2 DM. I myself have to watch my food intake and my stress levels as that has increased my blood sugar levels as well. Needless to say the last 2 years caring for my husband and his passing have not been good on my sugars no matter what I eat. I have been blessed by a wonderful doctor and she has strongly encouraged me to see a nutritionist and seek homeopathic information and cares. She does not pretend like she knows everything and as a colleague she asks me what I think and what my 25 years of experience as a nurse has taught me. I am so fortunate that she is on my side. What you put in your mouth is very important. Your activity is also important. I do love my chiropractor and massage therapist as well. God has truly created an amazing creature that is made in His image,us. We are fashioned with great care. God is good.
I do however agree with the long term effects of diabetes. My father died from complications of diabetes and all 5 of my brothers are at different stages of Type 2 DM. I myself have to watch my food intake and my stress levels as that has increased my blood sugar levels as well. Needless to say the last 2 years caring for my husband and his passing have not been good on my sugars no matter what I eat. I have been blessed by a wonderful doctor and she has strongly encouraged me to see a nutritionist and seek homeopathic information and cares. She does not pretend like she knows everything and as a colleague she asks me what I think and what my 25 years of experience as a nurse has taught me. I am so fortunate that she is on my side. What you put in your mouth is very important. Your activity is also important. I do love my chiropractor and massage therapist as well. God has truly created an amazing creature that is made in His image,us. We are fashioned with great care. God is good.
Im so sorry to hear about the difficulties, it must be very hard. Maybe if you have any
specific needs you could post them in the prayer request forum. God works in so
many amazing ways
pray for you.
Maybe there are differences in the way our countries do things. Here in the
UK, going to the GP (family doctor) is the way to access all sorts of services.
They refer people to dietitians who also double up as nutritionists - they are
considered to be the same thing in the UK. Anyone diagnosed with diabeties is
automatically referred to one.
Anyone who who wants to lose weight generally can attend their GP for advice,
many GP surgeries (offices I think you call them) have sessions people can
attend for weigh ins and weight loss advice.
They also offer various other services, so for example my GP surgery
offers stop smoking clinics, well women and well baby clinics where people
can get advice. Also they do minor surgery without referral to a hospital
I was thinking there might have been something similar in other countries, either
advice clinics or access to other services.
You are spot on about the diabeties problems. Unfortunately it seems to be a
growing problem. Oh Lord what are we doing to ourselves.
I think for many life is just too busy to we don't seem to have the time to
look after ourselves properly.