Hi everyone! I am Angie and I was saved a year ago by our mighty Lord Jesus Christ. But I am not new to christianity. I grew up in a christian household but God was never really talked about and we never read the bible. A year ago after I had a hard time the Lord showed Himself to me through being my only way out of the dark. And I am beyond thankful and blessed. But there are some things in my life that I’m not quite sure about. Like having muslim friends and pretty much no christian friends and so here I am looking to connect over our Heavenly Father and to talk about Him because I rarely get to, since everyone in my life is rejecting Him. I try to bring him up in conversations and I’ve seen faces light up but I really just want to share this passion that I have for Him with some people. So come say hi!
If you avoid things said by Paul, they will Agree with you at all times.
Jesus did not have Muslim Friends as it had not been invented.
Jesus did not talk about Paul, or even Jesus, Jesus talked about GOD, and Muslims, can understand this.
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