Here is an explanation of the question my soul seeks to answer: When a child dies of sickness.. cancer.. people question.. where was God? Why didn’t God intervene and allow this innocent, precious, loved being to live out their lives.. it isn’t fair.. a Christian seems to answer, “god doesn’t intervene in the goings-on of humans on Earth, because he gave us free will and Self-determination, therefore he does not intervene and save the child, otherwise we would not truly have free will and natural consequenses”... yet the same Christian will spend countless hours praying to God and when something good happens in their life (ex. Blessed with a child, winning the lottery) they attribute it to prayers being answered... implying that God intervened to cause this to happen in some way. These seem like contradictory ideas.. does God intervene or does he not ? Shouldn’t we be angry at God for not saving an innocent baby but instead helping someone’s great Aunt Carole recover from cancer?
If you want specific answers:
You can find many different reasons in the Bible that God allows suffering in order to bring about some greater good.
If you want a more general answer, without using the Bible:
It is simply a logical impossibility for mortals, with limited knowledge, to understand all the motives of an infinite being with infinite knowledge. So if we cannot even UNDERSTAND all of his motives, we best not imagine we know enough to JUDGE his motives.
It is much like a parent with a child.
Does a little child understand everything the parent does?
The child simply understands very little compared to the parent.
Does the parent explain everything to the child?
Not everything.
Some things the parent explains, and some things the parent does not explain.
The child's intellectual and emotional levels dictate that some explanations about the world are best left unexplained.
So, the parent makes the judgment on not only what to DO with the child, but also on how much to EXPLAIN.