I am not too familiar with the shows that are avaiable to you. But i reccomend '' RAGNANOK¨ gIVES INSIGHT into northrn mythology and mythology, There are stll many who worship the old gods, Mainly Odin and Thor.
Athelstan was a British monk who was enlisted after England was invaded to help the Norsemen.
He was played by George Blagden in that series, who was quite memorable to me especially in another
series about King Louis XIV. Of course they were mostly fiction even if they claim to blend historical accuracy
with creative liberties to entertain viewers. As an adult I developed quite a taste for historical dramas also,
especially those pertaining to the power struggles engendered between monarchies and the church, for
although I am no monarchist, the stories are fascinating given the power those people wielded. King Alfred
the Great (849–899) is known for withstanding the Vikings and helping to unite England. There was an excellent
series about those events and him, too. It was called The Last Kingdom, lots of Viking action there too LOL