Hello Caleb! We've now got space for you since several previous members are now deceased due to an overly heated debate in the Bible study section.
Tell us a bit more about yourself, but please abide by the rules:
1. Typing only please in the forums because shouting and covering your screen in spittle is not conducive to proper Christian conduct.
2. Before writing or reading a post, please spend at least 2 hours in prayer.
3. After reading a post by someone with whom you disagree, please spend an additional 1 hour in prayer, followed by a dose of tranquilisers.
4. 14 year old Scottish girls have the charism of infallibility on all matters pertaining to piercings, tattoos, make up and hair dye. Also oats.
5. Please be aware that it is ChristianChat policy to delete any posts on a whim.
6. No loitering please. If you are found to have been viewing one section for more than 15 minutes and have not a) posted anything or b) praised God for showing you your error via a 14 year old Scottish girl and eaten a bowl of porridge in thanksgiving, you will be banned.
7. You must agree that the Roman Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon.
8. The Eastern Orthodox Church must never be mentioned.
9. Christian uniity is paramount, rules 7 and 8 notwithstanding. Also, the Anglican Communion must be condemned as a front for gay pervert filthy deviant activists.
10. You must never openly admit that some sins are more serious than others, but remember that it is also your bounden duty to condemn homosexuality and Barack Obama with as much vehemence as you can muster at every available opportunity.
11. When in doubt, judge and condemn first, show charity second. Any sign of weakness here proves you are working for the devil.
12. Failure to abide by these rules means you are not really a Christian, and were never saved to begin with and you are going to hell. Also, you will be banned.