I loved this article; in fact, I'm going to print it out so i can go over it again when needed. My favorite line was from Myth #5...
"In fact, without sexuality, men wouldn't date. They'd play video games and eat pizza."
I have a better idea, instead of just printing it out, how about you actually read the book and tell the rest of us what it's like. I'd read it myself but... well it's not just that I'm trying to save money. I'm running out of space on my bookshelf, and then there's the obvious issue of how awkward I'd feel buying a book meant for guys! Maybe I'll buy a copy for my boyfriend.... that would work. Anyway, I'd love to know what he really means by the 5th myth.
Anyway, I hope the other lesson here is what a great singles site Christianitytoday.com has. I've critized the site in the past for offering advice on how to "cope" with being single like one copes with chronic pain, but the bottom line is that it's a great site. So if you're Christian and unmarried and you've never been to that site, you're missing out.
I read an excerpt on that site from a book called "Singles at the Crossroads." Wow! Now there's a good book. That's a great book for Chrisitan singles who don't actually have marriage at the forfront of their mind, but feel kind of left out when Christians in our society are having a "love affair with the nuclear family." I mean, the church I went to in university is had a sign on it that said "A family church in the heart of the city." I wanted to say "Well I'm single, can I go this this 'family church?'" Like, I know they just wanted to be clear that they had a Sunday School, but...
Anyway, I do not want to get into that and I want to make sure that if anyone else wants to get into that, they do so in a different thread because I don't want to get off topic. I mean further than I already have.