But you did judge most Christians with your observation that included your judgment saying, "most Christians....." There was no clarification that you were talking about certain Christians at Christian Chat.
Now you're saying that.
The eternal salvation topic is under scrutiny at a lot of Christian forums. There's a doctrine that is Arminian in origin but that apparently has flowed over into other through processes and teachings that don't identify as such. One that claims we can lose the gift God gave us. Salvation.
When the teachings of God himself, if we believe , accept, the Bible is the inspired eternal unchanging word of God, states that salvation is not our doing. Even faith that leads to salvation is not our doing. They are both God's gifts due to his first calling those whom he knew would respond to receive his gifts.
God wants no one to perish in their sins. In his eternal knowledge of all things God knows who are receptive to his saving grace. And who are not.
Thinking those that are first born to arrive in a fallen state when they're accountable for their choices, sins, are then able to toss off God's free irrevocable calling and gift, is error and misrepresenting, misreading, God's word. It indicates the believer in that is cleaving to the human nature that thinks itself superior to all things that are to be subject to it. That's hubris, egoism, egocentrism, and self-serving nature. That's what God's blanket gift of redemption heals in us.
We realize there is more than us. That we are a vessel to serve the will of God. Not to do the work for God.
God said he knows who will come to him, his son and eternal salvation. Those that say we can cast off that salvation through our own choice, actions, etc.... are saying, oops! God didn't see that coming when he called "me".
There are those that are nominal Christians. They claim to be Christian but they're not. God knows that too. We've all seen that type Christian. They're really bad behaving people but they wear a cross. Or they say they go to church on holidays. Christmas, Easter.
Otherwise, they party, get high, drunk, fool around on their wife, have sex with lots of women as a single man. Or with lots of men as a single woman. They lie. Name the sin, they do that. They look at homeless people and say, get a job! Rather than feel compassion and offer them a meal. Or money.
Here's a few really simple questions for someone to answer and put into perspective the whole debate as to whether someone can cast off salvation at their whim or through their actions. And really, who in their right mind would do that? Because they prefer Hell?
Is God all powerful and all knowing?
Did Jesus, who was God in flesh, say, no one can come to him, Salvation, unless the Father calls them? That no one comes to the Father except
through Jesus?
Think of all that happens when we receive faith because the Gospel message resonates as truth with us. That is God leading us to that. Then think of all that happens when we repent and are redeemed in Christ. We're made new. All according to God's free gift of grace and his calling us.
Now imagine thinking, we can undo all that. We can reverse all that transpired to make us a new creation.
This may help. I went to YouTube to see if I could find a short video that would provide a synopsis of God's truth. And all that would have to transpire for what is often known as Arminianism to be true.
This is pretty good in my opinion. I was going to link the video. I think if someone is interested in this less than five minute video they'll seek out its title at
Can a christian lose salvation? Purchased by Jesus Christ God almighty in the flesh?