The Bible, all 66 books, already gave us the information we need, and tells us the creation, God's character, the plan of redemption, and the saints dwelling with God for eternity, and tells the whole history of mankind, every kingdom, and what is going on now, which He said He identifies Himself as the one true God for showing us the end from the beginning, and all the history of mankind, which no other religion or person can do.
What other books do we need.
I tend to think that some people try to pass off books as inspired by God by repeating, and telling, what has already been written, and told.
If I wanted to I could write a book and claim it as inspired by telling what the Bible tells, but wording it differently, and trying to make it appear as if it is coming from an intelligent God.
Abraham said to the rich man in hell if a person does not hear the words of Moses, does not believe them, they will not believe even if one rose from the dead and told them, which Abraham pointed out the words of Moses as being important, not some other books.
Like Mary Baxter saying she had a revelation of hell, and what it is like, and describes hell and what goes on there, but she did not.
If God wanted to tell us a detailed description of hell it would be in the Bible, like John gave us a description of heaven.
God only told us what needed to be known of hell to avoid it, and that is it is dark and hot, which how can Mary give us a detailed description of hell as she did when it is pitch black, and the people that were rebellious will not be able to see anything anyway.
But it is like Abraham telling the rich man, if they do hear the words of the Bible they will not believe even if someone wrote a book and said they know the description of hell and that is exists so avoid it.
If they do not believe the words of the Bible they will not hear the other biblical books that are not part of the Bible.
The Bible tells us all we need to know, what else is there to tell, and what do we need to hear from other books to convince us the Bible with the 66 books are true.
Now the Bible does tell in Jude that Enoch gave a prophesy of the Lord coming with the saints to execute judgment on the wicked, but that does not mean that He wrote a book, for many people know that the Lord would come to execute judgement on the wicked, even the least of the least of the saints know that, and back then.
That is a given that all saints should understand that God is going to judge the wicked, so if they repeat it, it is saying something common sense wise among the saints.
I do not believe that Enoch would write a book at the time he lived, and it would make more sense for Elijah to write a book, for where is his book, and Samson's book, where is it at, and Noah's book, for why leave that great man out, and John the Baptist's book, for he gets no love and no book, when Jesus considered him the greatest person to ever be born of women, even greater than Mary, according to the flesh, and John the Baptist gets no book.
Eze 14:12 The word of the LORD came again to me, saying,
Eze 14:13 Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it:
Eze 14:14 Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD.
Some people would like to think that Job did not exist, and the book a fluke, but this indicates that he did exist as God mentions Job along with Noah and Daniel, as righteous men.
I believe that the Bible with the 66 books is what God gave us as inspired, and it covers everything we need to know about truth.
For what are we supposed to have 1,000,000 books before we get it in to our head the truth of God, and His character, and love towards us, and that we are sinners in need of salvation.
And if people say God is in control, and things go according to what He wants, then why would they doubt that there should be more books in the organized Bible with the 66 books, for if God is in control and things go according to what He wants they would be along with the 66 books.
Let me put it in Sesame Street terms, one of these books is not like the others, one of these books is not the same.
It could be the apocrypha is books with a pagan twist on them, for some people do interpret the Bible according to paganism, and some it is their foundation of the interpretation of scriptures.
Look at the things the Catholic Church does and believes, which you can see paganism influencing her.
I did not look in to those other books for I did not have a desire, and I read through the Bible so I surely have even less of a desire to read them, but I do not understand what they could tell me that would benefit me, or give me better understanding of truth that is already present in the Bible.