1: To Zeroturbulance: Common misconception. The Big Bang doesn’t talk about an explosion but an “expansion” as explained by Zmouth, that the small primordial atom “rapidly expanded outward to form what would become our currently known and observed universe.” However, yes, I believe that either way God had to have been the cause of the creation of the universe.
2: To Zmouth: Hm.. that is a very good question. If “nothing” was there as explained in the PowerPoint I was given, how could there be enough pressure to condense all of everything into that small of space? But also explained, there is “gravity” pushing down on the sun, and there is also pressure inside pushing outward. According to that, that means there has to be a stable state between condensed pressure (more pressure in a star means faster reactions, because the heat from the pressure excites the atoms and causes fusion, forming the star’s glow) and gravity. Therefore, how can the universe expand, and if anything continue speeding up for all infinity? Surely it should slow at some point at it’s equilibrium of pressure and gravity, maybe even fluctuate? But even so, what would cause the universe to collapse upon itself to begin with, to create this primordial atom, as explained in the Big Bang Theory, that the universe grows until it collapses once more to grow once more. (Based on my understanding)
Even if we were to think of science, surely we’d also think of reason too? If this primordial atom existed, how could this have come to be? I think that’s honestly what you are saying, that something had to have caused that matter to reach that state. Now if we think of the primordial atom itself, how could all of that matter, every ounce in the universe, fit into that extremely small atomic sized thing?
Now, I had a few thoughts on this subject. I was told that it just “appeared.” That somehow, energy created this matter and thusly was condensed (somehow) into that small form and (somehow) didn’t expand until there was enough in there to create the universe. How could matter just “appear?”
I like to imagine that God used what already existed to create what exists now. But if energy was that thing which created matter (added to the condensed energy/matter portion, described as infinitismal), who or what do you think has enough power to cause this to happen? Even if the Big Bang occurred, it could have ONLY occurred had there been something powerful enough to condense energy to that point, to even have the energy reserved for that sort of violent expansion. And that something (or more appropriately someone), I believe, is God.
For who is powerful enough to do this? What is powerful enough? Should nature defy itself? Or should, by the shear might of the Almighty God, the universe be created in some way, shape, or form? Life can’t exist without God. Nothing could exist. Even if science tries to disprove it, how can they truly know for sure?
However, as the Bible says somewhere, we don’t get to heaven because we know God existed. We get there because we have faith - even if “evidence” points to the contrary.