No sister as is obvious that is a typing mistake. Again: 60 million babies murdered before they had the chance to fight for their lives; "no-fault" divorce strait from Lenin's doctorine and language fought into being by feminists and sinners, leading to some suffering (by their victims mostly men and children, church, society) beyond what mankind has ever suffered before. As demonstrated by scientific studies linking "divorce for whatever reason I feel like," sexual immorality, broken families, the hatred of babies, men, families to all manor of mental, social, and societal ills - which covers too much ground to mention but a few: school shootings; suicide, rape, crime, hate crime, addiction, etc
All so that some Femi-Nazi's, often posing as Christians, can continue to destroy their families, hate and blame men for all thing- especially the things they do, kill babies, and throw all of creation onto the fire of their demon goddesses while 'THe Church' for the most part worships and praises them for it, if not only appeases them so their wives (Pastors, leaders) will not divorce them.