I'm sure other men here would agree that if we are doing something wrong we would appreciate it if you pointed us in the right direction or just rebuke us if necessary. Anyway hope your thread reaches some people God bless.
Apologies and Male Shame in Modern Culture
Please don't feel a need to apologize for yourself, or your gender, or defer to the moral outrage of "all women" when you haven't done anything wrong.
We currently live in a culture where feminists are attacking men, especially young men, and trying to make them feel ashamed for being a man at all. They're pushing the narrative that all men are inherently oppressive and toxic, and all women are virtuous and oppressed. This is entirely false. We don't live in a culture where women are horribly oppressed, or where men are horribly evil. You have no reason to walk on eggshells, or apologize for anything you haven't done.
Statistically in America, women "cheat" at about the same rate as men, and in the workplace they have equal rights and equal pay. That means women lie, cheat, and destroy their spouses and families at the same rate as men... and they have complete equal rights under the law. So women are NOT oppressed, or victims. Rather, ALL HUMANS ARE SINNERS.
ALL of us are sinners.
We ALL sin, and ALL HUMANS have a tendency, because of sin, to take advantage of ALL OTHER HUMANS.
This isn't a gender issue.
Both genders sin, and probably sin about equally.
There are even statistics that show women are 3-4 times more likely to commit a violent act in a relationship.
It's just that men usually ignore it.
Men should treat all women decently, with respect and dignity.
Women should also treat men the same way.
Women are not oppressed, and men have absolutely no reason to apologize for their entire gender, or be ashamed of anything at all.
Everyone should treat everyone with kindness, respect, and dignity.
And as far as rebuke... if you're a man, and in you're in the Bible daily, you NEED TO REBUKE YOURSELF any time you sin.
And if that doesn't work, I sincerely hope there are enough men around here, willing to speak up, that God can send another MAN to do the rebuking.
Because that's how God usually does things.
Read the bible.
1. I have no reason to think ill of sherril, or think she's pushing any agenda... I simply assume something occurred recently that has filled her with concern. I think she is just posting a very normal, and concerned response, to something that has upset her.
2. However, because 3rd wave feminism is so divisive, and so toxic, and has insidiously crept into all areas of culture and thinking; and because young men are now being taught to be ashamed of their gender, and walk on eggshells, and apologize for everything - I felt it was important to make this post.
3. I agree with Sherril that women should be careful, and cautious, and protect themselves. I would also point out that statistically, and empirically, women in our culture are not oppressed or victimized (at least not any more than men are) and we shouldn't make all men feel like they need to walk on eggshells and feel ashamed of being men.
4. Everyone should be careful and cautious, and everyone should treat everyone with respect.