Women of God..have Godly Wisdom...Discernment concerning men in Chat...

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Girls this is very important for us women now...In any place where folks gather together (all are not who that put forth to be)...single and married gals need to have Gods wisdom and His discernment in these matters...most of all single girls...on the internet folks can pretend...some times as gals we can because of longing to be loved get ourselves into a unwise place, with a trail of lessons that are learned...as we guard our hearts as beautiful women of God we are His treasure...God knows what best for each of us....as we listen to the still small voice of God through His Spirit...we can know who is of God and who is not...remember dear women of God whats in a mans heart will come out of his mouth, and in the spirit you can discern his motives...yet satan is sly...so sweet beautiful women of God keep your armor on Gods armor...be safe in His loving care...Father protect my dear sisters Lord...that they are strong women of God not easily deceived...Lord that you will watch over my sisters from the evil that may try to come there way...Lord that you would keep them safe...Jesus in you i pray...remember girls we are children of the Most High God...loved by God with an everlasting LOVE...set apart as His daughters living this life as servants to our God and Lord...love in Christ your sister Sherril...:)


God protects his daughters as we trust Him as He is faithful to keep and watch over us...love in Christ Sherril...:) 35146394_1036577929824049_6117939630479245312_o.jpg


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
Girls this is very important for us women now...In any place where folks gather together (all are not who that put forth to be)...single and married gals need to have Gods wisdom and His discernment in these matters...most of all single girls...on the internet folks can pretend...some times as gals we can because of longing to be loved get ourselves into a unwise place, with a trail of lessons that are learned...as we guard our hearts as beautiful women of God we are His treasure...God knows what best for each of us....as we listen to the still small voice of God through His Spirit...we can know who is of God and who is not...remember dear women of God whats in a mans heart will come out of his mouth, and in the spirit you can discern his motives...yet satan is sly...so sweet beautiful women of God keep your armor on Gods armor...be safe in His loving care...Father protect my dear sisters Lord...that they are strong women of God not easily deceived...Lord that you will watch over my sisters from the evil that may try to come there way...Lord that you would keep them safe...Jesus in you i pray...remember girls we are children of the Most High God...loved by God with an everlasting LOVE...set apart as His daughters living this life as servants to our God and Lord...love in Christ your sister Sherril...:)
Yea this is totally important, even some Christian men can be dangerous for women. You guys should try to help the singles out when it comes to what to avoid and such, maybe make a thread. I know if i had a daughter i wouldn't want some foolish boy ruining my daughters purity. We as men should be careful not to be those men too! It's a lot easier to be like the world it's hard to be a Christian especially when it comes to relationships but we want to keep our sisters in Christ pure and we want to honor God. If for some reason we are doing something we shouldn't maybe some older people could intervene or go to the dms to let us know, myself included. I am no where near perfect, i can be very foolish, I'm sure other men here would agree that if we are doing something wrong we would appreciate it if you pointed us in the right direction or just rebuke us if necessary. Anyway hope your thread reaches some people God bless.


Yea this is totally important, even some Christian men can be dangerous for women. You guys should try to help the singles out when it comes to what to avoid and such, maybe make a thread. I know if i had a daughter i wouldn't want some foolish boy ruining my daughters purity. We as men should be careful not to be those men too! It's a lot easier to be like the world it's hard to be a Christian especially when it comes to relationships but we want to keep our sisters in Christ pure and we want to honor God. If for some reason we are doing something we shouldn't maybe some older people could intervene or go to the dms to let us know, myself included. I am no where near perfect, i can be very foolish, I'm sure other men here would agree that if we are doing something wrong we would appreciate it if you pointed us in the right direction or just rebuke us if necessary. Anyway hope your thread reaches some people God bless.
I know it can be hard these days as we live in such a perverse generation, God tells us to be pure of heart:)....to be holy as He is holy.....true love protects:).....true love comes from Gods heart to ours to others....God is our strength, our help, our life our all......yes we live in this world but God tells us we are not of this world, we are new creations in Christ....for born again Christians the standards are high as Jesus tells us to follow him daily taking up our cross...motives will be reflected in our behavior, whats in our hearts comes out of our mouth and actions....see this can be a male or female issue.....to see others as like mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons or daughters....all i know dear-ones is true love does not hurt others or try to deceive or be selfish...we are to cherish one another....God knows each heart we all will be accountable for what we do in this life....Lord you are our help i love you Abba God....thank you Father for your love as you are love, help us to love Lord as you love....Jesus in you i pray...there is this song i sing that God has worked out in me ....its called (PURE HEART)...Pure heart is what the Father desire oh pure heart purified by Gods holy fire broken heart proven to be faithful and true fashion in me a heart that's thirsting for you, fashion in me a heart that's thirsting for you...my only ambition is to stand before you to find i was pleasing in your sight and obedient child of God faithful and true to be found with pureness of heart...pure heart is what the Father desires oh pure heart purified by Gods holy fire broken heart proven to be faithful and true fashion in me a heart that thirsting for you..Love in Christ Sherril....:)
1 Corinthians 13 (KJV)
13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.:)


Senior Member
Apr 18, 2013
I'm sure other men here would agree that if we are doing something wrong we would appreciate it if you pointed us in the right direction or just rebuke us if necessary. Anyway hope your thread reaches some people God bless.

Apologies and Male Shame in Modern Culture

Please don't feel a need to apologize for yourself, or your gender, or defer to the moral outrage of "all women" when you haven't done anything wrong.

We currently live in a culture where feminists are attacking men, especially young men, and trying to make them feel ashamed for being a man at all. They're pushing the narrative that all men are inherently oppressive and toxic, and all women are virtuous and oppressed. This is entirely false. We don't live in a culture where women are horribly oppressed, or where men are horribly evil. You have no reason to walk on eggshells, or apologize for anything you haven't done.

Statistically in America, women "cheat" at about the same rate as men, and in the workplace they have equal rights and equal pay. That means women lie, cheat, and destroy their spouses and families at the same rate as men... and they have complete equal rights under the law. So women are NOT oppressed, or victims. Rather, ALL HUMANS ARE SINNERS.
ALL of us are sinners.
We ALL sin, and ALL HUMANS have a tendency, because of sin, to take advantage of ALL OTHER HUMANS.
This isn't a gender issue.

Both genders sin, and probably sin about equally.
There are even statistics that show women are 3-4 times more likely to commit a violent act in a relationship.
It's just that men usually ignore it.

Men should treat all women decently, with respect and dignity.
Women should also treat men the same way.
Women are not oppressed, and men have absolutely no reason to apologize for their entire gender, or be ashamed of anything at all.

Everyone should treat everyone with kindness, respect, and dignity.

And as far as rebuke... if you're a man, and in you're in the Bible daily, you NEED TO REBUKE YOURSELF any time you sin.
And if that doesn't work, I sincerely hope there are enough men around here, willing to speak up, that God can send another MAN to do the rebuking.
Because that's how God usually does things.
Read the bible.

1. I have no reason to think ill of sherril, or think she's pushing any agenda... I simply assume something occurred recently that has filled her with concern. I think she is just posting a very normal, and concerned response, to something that has upset her.

2. However, because 3rd wave feminism is so divisive, and so toxic, and has insidiously crept into all areas of culture and thinking; and because young men are now being taught to be ashamed of their gender, and walk on eggshells, and apologize for everything - I felt it was important to make this post.

3. I agree with Sherril that women should be careful, and cautious, and protect themselves. I would also point out that statistically, and empirically, women in our culture are not oppressed or victimized (at least not any more than men are) and we shouldn't make all men feel like they need to walk on eggshells and feel ashamed of being men.

4. Everyone should be careful and cautious, and everyone should treat everyone with respect.



Apologies and Male Shame in Modern Culture

Please don't feel a need to apologize for yourself, or your gender, or defer to the moral outrage of "all women" when you haven't done anything wrong.

We currently live in a culture where feminists are attacking men, especially young men, and trying to make them feel ashamed for being a man at all. They're pushing the narrative that all men are inherently oppressive and toxic, and all women are virtuous and oppressed. This is entirely false. We don't live in a culture where women are horribly oppressed, or where men are horribly evil. You have no reason to walk on eggshells, or apologize for anything you haven't done.

Statistically in America, women "cheat" at about the same rate as men, and in the workplace they have equal rights and equal pay. That means women lie, cheat, and destroy their spouses and families at the same rate as men... and they have complete equal rights under the law. So women are NOT oppressed, or victims. Rather, ALL HUMANS ARE SINNERS.
ALL of us are sinners.
We ALL sin, and ALL HUMANS have a tendency, because of sin, to take advantage of ALL OTHER HUMANS.
This isn't a gender issue.

Both genders sin, and probably sin about equally.
There are even statistics that show women are 3-4 times more likely to commit a violent act in a relationship.
It's just that men usually ignore it.

Men should treat all women decently, with respect and dignity.
Women should also treat men the same way.
Women are not oppressed, and men have absolutely no reason to apologize for their entire gender, or be ashamed of anything at all.

Everyone should treat everyone with kindness, respect, and dignity.

And as far as rebuke... if you're a man, and in you're in the Bible daily, you NEED TO REBUKE YOURSELF any time you sin.
And if that doesn't work, I sincerely hope there are enough men around here, willing to speak up, that God can send another MAN to do the rebuking.
Because that's how God usually does things.
Read the bible.

1. I have no reason to think ill of sherril, or think she's pushing any agenda... I simply assume something occurred recently that has filled her with concern. I think she is just posting a very normal, and concerned response, to something that has upset her.

2. However, because 3rd wave feminism is so divisive, and so toxic, and has insidiously crept into all areas of culture and thinking; and because young men are now being taught to be ashamed of their gender, and walk on eggshells, and apologize for everything - I felt it was important to make this post.

3. I agree with Sherril that women should be careful, and cautious, and protect themselves. I would also point out that statistically, and empirically, women in our culture are not oppressed or victimized (at least not any more than men are) and we shouldn't make all men feel like they need to walk on eggshells and feel ashamed of being men.

4. Everyone should be careful and cautious, and everyone should treat everyone with respect.

Thank you maxwel....i saw the girls talking in an old post from years past about being deceived....then responded so girls can take heed...yet the men need to do the same also take heed there are females who deceive with an evil heart...its a sin issue as i said male and female..we all as followers of Christ should be walking being led by the Holy Spirit. May Gods will come to pass in our lives bringing glory to Him...and to treat each other with honor and respect is the right thing to do..putting others 1st....to see each other as God see His creation the beauty in each person as special....yet at times there is darkness going on and folks can be hurt or deceived men or women it can happen. The main thing is to have God 1st place in our hearts seeing Gods truth and His wisdom playing out in our lives, behavior, and choices...Jesus came to set the captives free....thank you maxwel forsure it is a heart issue....we encourage each other in the faith....being strong in the Lord and the power of His might...steadfast....deeply rooted in God.....thank you Father for your discernment, wisdom, protection in us your children....love in Christ Sherril...:)


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
single and married gals need to have Gods wisdom and His discernment in these matters..
Absolutely. As do men. However, because of the fashion trends, particularly among celebrities, Christian women need to hold themselves to a different and higher standard, and not follow the dictates of fashion by exposing themselves immodestly. This is generally not a issue for men, but it is certainly an issue for women.

Furthermore those women who started and joined the #metoo movement knew full well the characters of the men they have later accused, as well as the circumstances under which they met them. All they had to do was stay away, but they were promoting their own careers. And the celebrities who recently made a big deal of this movement had no problem in hypocritically exposing themselves. Check out those pictures.

In general, there is no excuse for gullibility among Christians, but unfortunately too many fail to exercise wisdom, discernment, and discretion.


You know what is so important for us as women of God....and men of God.....is to have a pure heart....it comes from knowing God....(Doing Gods word learning what God desires in us his sons and daughters. In Romans we are told to live in the Spirit and not in the flesh....we are told not to give place to the devil....Surrender is where God wants us to be, as we let go and let God live out his will in us and through us....God tells us in his word what is sin, and what apposes HIS Holiness....we are not to take part in the ways of the world or live in a place of disobedience against God...We are to be vessels of honor before our God...As we draw nigh to God (close) to God he draws nigh to us....living in obedience to God through Gods word & through Gods Spirit...God desires modesty from men and women....and that we abstain from all appearances of evil...giving no place to the devil....my husband and i are very careful what we see through the eye gate or hear or take part in so that our hearts remain pure before God....We have learned many lessons in our lifetime and desire to please God....(Brother Nehemiah) i agree the lack of clothes, and good morals today in the world are getting worse...there is much perverseness all around....Yet we as Christ followers are not of this world and need to come out from among them and not take part in unholy things...a beautiful woman is a modest women humble lovely as Gods daughter strong in faith and living in the righteousness of Christ through the Holy Spirit...also a modest Godly man stands strong in the word of God holy before God...secure knowing Christ as LORD, steadfast in the faith..the beautiful thing of true love between a Godly man and women is 2 following after Gods heart, giving him 1st place....Love in Christ Sherril....:) 44157335_2061360673908970_2529082554422657024_n.jpg


oh well

we have just been told in another thread that we are discriminating if we use proper judgement

and we cannot call ourselves Christian if we do that

they walk among us


oh well

we have just been told in another thread that we are discriminating if we use proper judgement

and we cannot call ourselves Christian if we do that

they walk among us
We all need to be wise in the times we live in, in all matters....Gods word his wisdom through his Spirit...in our (humanity) our flesh can led us but wow trouble comes...Looking back even in my life when i was not hearing or listening to Gods heart, i had to learn the hard way...God knows best...To be still and know that He is God....is one of my life verses God is still working on me...love in Christ Sherril...:)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2011
I agree with Maxwel! Men and women in our society are equal, mostly, and too many women who are being seduced, at #metoo have their own agenda, which is not righteous either.

If you are in the forums or chat, be aware that not every man who says he is a Christian, is a Christian. And vice versa. Don't fall for a stranger! I stress, watch their posts for a long time. Try and get a feel for their character, before you pm them. And pray! Don't give out your phone number. If they are the right person, they are not going to run away, if you take some time.

The internet can be very deceptive. So, you do need to take extra precautions, that you might not have to do in church. Character is what counts, in the long run, in a marriage. Look for a godly character in a mate, wherever you meet them. Doing this could save you a lot of heartbreak later!