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Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
all the nations will celebrate the feast of booths. yes.


were all the nations brought out of Egypt and lived in tents?
that's what the Bible explicitly cites as the reason for this feast.
what does "celebrate the feast of booths" mean?

is it a picture of Christ?



Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
what does "celebrate the feast of booths" mean?

is it a picture of Christ?


what tent did God cause you to dwell in?
in what wilderness?
what Egypt did He redeem you from?

what is "rain" ? :)


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2015
What does it mean for us today, to keep the Sabbath holy? It is still a commandment.....
To keep the Sabbath holy means to keep at least one day of the week exclusively concentrated on the Lord, and not mind your other endeavors throughout the rest of the week.

Not like these in Amos 8:5 who on their Sabbath their hearts are concerned about their god mammon.

Amos 8:5 Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
truly my soul finds rest in God;
my Salvation comes from Him!
truly He is my Rock and my Salvation;
He is my Fortress; i will never be shaken!
(Psalm 62:1-2)
yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my Hope comes from Him!
truly He is my Rock and my Salvation;
He is my Fortress; i will not be shaken!
my Salvation and my Honor depend on God;
He is my Mighty Rock, my Refuge!
(Psalm 65:5-7)


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2015
keeping the Sabbath or any law will not save us.
We all need salvation.
Jesus perfectly kept the righteousness of the law and can save us without our works.
But... we are told that if we love Jesus we will obey.
Joh_14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Joh_14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
1Jn_5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
There will be debate about what the commandments of God and Jesus are, but the point is that if we love God we obey and keep these commandments. Not to be saved but because you Love God you keep the commandments that you believe God wants us to keep.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
keeping the Sabbath or any law will not save us.
We all need salvation.
Jesus perfectly kept the righteousness of the law and can save us without our works.
But... we are told that if we love Jesus we will obey.
Joh_14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Joh_14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
1Jn_5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
There will be debate about what the commandments of God and Jesus are, but the point is that if we love God we obey and keep these commandments. Not to be saved but because you Love God you keep the commandments that you believe God wants us to keep.
there really is no debate.

on the mount of transfiguration . God the Father came down , in the presence of Moses ( the Law ) and Elijah ( the Prophets ), and said of Jesus " this is my beloved Son . hear Him! ".

this elevates and separates the words in red over all other Scripture.


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2013
it was a command for the nation of Israel only. it was never commanded for gentiles. we are to take a day of rest, as God the father instituted in the Creation, but non-jews were never under the Sabbath command.
Yet at the covenant of establishment meaning the first book of Moses in the first chapter of the book of Moses which is called Genesis it says
Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. xref-4 [xref-1]

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. You see he separated the Sabbath day he sanctified that day to sanctify means to set apart also in the covenant of the creation he has said the ordinances of the moon the stars and the sun that everything should have seasons spoke in the Torah that if the ordinance of the sun in the Moon can be taken away then let my servant David not have a son on his throne, yeah son does sit on the throne his name is Yeshua hamashiach has you know him as Jesus Christ . The Israelites followed the Sabbath a certain way but remember what Paul the Apostle said that the law was a schoolmaster for the time being and if you noticed every ritual and every sacrifice behind it had principal something the Lord was trying to teach among the people and know this also that every commandment alone cannot save but by the spirit of God which the Revelation came to Jesus Christ to teach us the way of the spirit that the commandments be more than just rules that we should get a relationship with God and know him intimately by spirit you see the commandments shows with sin is but the aggression mode of sin is the cause because the aggression mode shows the heart therefore also every commandment that is good in the sight of God


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Yet at the covenant of establishment meaning the first book of Moses in the first chapter of the book of Moses which is called Genesis it says
Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. xref-4 [xref-1]

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. You see he separated the Sabbath day he sanctified that day to sanctify means to set apart also in the covenant of the creation he has said the ordinances of the moon the stars and the sun that everything should have seasons spoke in the Torah that if the ordinance of the sun in the Moon can be taken away then let my servant David not have a son on his throne, yeah son does sit on the throne his name is Yeshua hamashiach has you know him as Jesus Christ . The Israelites followed the Sabbath a certain way but remember what Paul the Apostle said that the law was a schoolmaster for the time being and if you noticed every ritual and every sacrifice behind it had principal something the Lord was trying to teach among the people and know this also that every commandment alone cannot save but by the spirit of God which the Revelation came to Jesus Christ to teach us the way of the spirit that the commandments be more than just rules that we should get a relationship with God and know him intimately by spirit you see the commandments shows with sin is but the aggression mode of sin is the cause because the aggression mode shows the heart therefore also every commandment that is good in the sight of God

He blessed that particular day when He rested.

does God Himself rest every seventh day? Jesus when accused of breaking sabbath said, the Father is always working, and so He also.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2011
Genesis 2:2-3
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

You can't go back to that seventh day of creation. Once day 8 came day 7 was over. We're pretty far past day 8 today.

But REST is still pretty important to God. So much so that He commanded the shadow of what it was to be for the rebellious, grace rejecting Hebrews of the Old Testament.

Exodus 20:9-10
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Does looking to the law and trying PHYSICALLY to obey what it says every Saturday mean you have entered into Gods Rest????

No, of course not. The law is given to the rebellious, to the rejecter of Gods Grace and Provision.

Exodus 20:19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.

Is Moses their Saviour??? Can Moses cause them to be Perfect like God in Heaven is Perfect?? Can Moses give them Rest and Righteousness???

No. No. No. Moses is the rod that strikes. Moses is the punishment for rejecting Grace. Moses is the punishment for rejecting Provision. Moses is what is supposed to bring the rebellious, stiff-necked people to the One who can Save them. To the One who can give them Grace. To the One who can give them Rest and Righteousness.

Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
2 Corinthians 3:7-8
7 But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:
8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
1 Timothy 1:9-10
9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,
10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

So are you going to continue to emulate the rebellious, grace rejecting people who followed Moses or are you finally going to turn from your own way and towards Christ?? Towards Salvation. Towards Righteousness. Towards Rest.

There is only One Way, One Truth and One Life and it does not come by emulating the ancient Hebrews. It does not come by following Moses. That is the way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death.


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2014
Sabbatarians often quote Mark 2:27 to imply that the Sabbath was made for all mankind, but the text doesn't say that. It doesn't say, "The Sabbath was made for "mankind", it says, "the Sabbath was made for man."
In regards to Mark 2:27, "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath," this statement was in response to the accusation by the Pharisees that His disciples were breaking the law regarding resting on the Sabbath while going through some fields and plucking heads of grain (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5).

Jesus responded by giving an example from the Old Testament that David was once in need of food and was given consecrated bread that was only lawful for the priests to eat (1 Samuel 21:1-6). The bread served a practical need for David and his followers, just as with Jesus and His disciples, the grain served a practical need. David and his men were not acting sinfully in eating the showbread, and neither were Jesus’ disciples acting sinfully in plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath. Jesus concludes, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath." Jesus' response to the accusing Pharisees contains important teachings.

The Sabbath was intended to help people, not burden them. In contrast with the daily hard work as slaves in Egypt, the Israelites were commanded to take a day of rest each week under the Mosaic Law. The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a burden, adding restrictions beyond what God's law said. (Misguided teachers of the law today turn keeping the Sabbath day into a legalistic prescription for salvation) The disciples had not broken God’s law; they had only violated the Pharisees’ legalistic, interpretation of the law. Jesus reminded the Pharisees of the original intent of the Sabbath rest. Jesus statement does not teach that the Sabbath was made for all mankind, as misguided teachers of the law, such as SDA's teach.

Nehemiah 9:13 - "Then You came down on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven; You gave them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments. 14 So You made known to them Your holy sabbath, And laid down for them commandments, statutes and law, Through Your servant Moses." *Nowhere in Scripture is there any hint that Sabbath keeping was practiced from Adam to Moses.*

The Word of God makes it clear that Sabbath observance was a sign between God and Israel: "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested." (Exodus 31:16-17).

In Deuteronomy 5, Moses restates the Ten Commandments to the next generation of Israelites. Here, after commanding Sabbath observance in verses 12–14, Moses gives the reason the Sabbath was given to the nation Israel: "Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day." (Deuteronomy 5:15).


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2017
In regards to Mark 2:27, "the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath," this statement was in response to the accusation by the Pharisees that His disciples were breaking the law regarding resting on the Sabbath while going through some fields and plucking heads of grain (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28; Luke 6:1-5).

Jesus responded by giving an example from the Old Testament that David was once in need of food and was given consecrated bread that was only lawful for the priests to eat (1 Samuel 21:1-6). The bread served a practical need for David and his followers, just as with Jesus and His disciples, the grain served a practical need. David and his men were not acting sinfully in eating the showbread, and neither were Jesus’ disciples acting sinfully in plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath. Jesus concludes, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath." Jesus' response to the accusing Pharisees contains important teachings.

The Sabbath was intended to help people, not burden them. In contrast with the daily hard work as slaves in Egypt, the Israelites were commanded to take a day of rest each week under the Mosaic Law. The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a burden, adding restrictions beyond what God's law said. (Misguided teachers of the law today turn keeping the Sabbath day into a legalistic prescription for salvation) The disciples had not broken God’s law; they had only violated the Pharisees’ legalistic, interpretation of the law. Jesus reminded the Pharisees of the original intent of the Sabbath rest. Jesus statement does not teach that the Sabbath was made for all mankind, as misguided teachers of the law, such as SDA's teach.

Nehemiah 9:13 - "Then You came down on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven; You gave them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments. 14 So You made known to them Your holy sabbath, And laid down for them commandments, statutes and law, Through Your servant Moses." *Nowhere in Scripture is there any hint that Sabbath keeping was practiced from Adam to Moses.*

The Word of God makes it clear that Sabbath observance was a sign between God and Israel: "The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested." (Exodus 31:16-17).

In Deuteronomy 5, Moses restates the Ten Commandments to the next generation of Israelites. Here, after commanding Sabbath observance in verses 12–14, Moses gives the reason the Sabbath was given to the nation Israel: "Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day." (Deuteronomy 5:15).
I've heard it all be for!!

I agree with it!!!


Senior Member
May 31, 2013
yep, just keep plucking verses out of context to defend your idol.

the council of Laodicea was the one that banned the Sabbath, which I do not 100% agree with, but they did it to guard against judeaizers like you from leading people away from salvation by Christ alone.
Hmmm, quoting Jesus is plucking scriptures out of context? Just how is that true?
Jan 21, 2021
There are quite a few threads on this topic, and there are also quite a few vocal Sabbatarians around. But the Lord's Day (the first day of the week) has been the Christian sabbath every since the resurrection of Christ.

As to those who scoff at Sunday as being dedicate to the pagan god of the sun, Saturday is also dedicated to the pagan God Saturn, who is far more evil (yet no one scoffs at this!). But this is really a non-issue.
In what world is it ok to modify the Ten Commandments? Look at the root of your excuse, "early Christians did it" does that make it okay???


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2011
There are quite a few threads on this topic, and there are also quite a few vocal Sabbatarians around. But the Lord's Day (the first day of the week) has been the Christian sabbath every since the resurrection of Christ.


Just so it's understood that scripture doesn't identify the Lord's Day as the first day of the week and is silent with regard to anyone celebrating the first day of the week in honor of the resurrection.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
What does it mean for us today, to keep the Sabbath holy? It is still a commandment.....
No, Jesus fuliflled the Sabbath by resting in the grave the entire Sabbath Saturday. Jesus broke through the seven day sabbath cycle and entered the 8th day when he rose from the grave on Sunday, the 8th day. Those who are "in Christ" have also broken through the seven day Sabbath cycle and thus are "new creations" to be made anew on the 8th day, the next creation day.

Circumcision in Old testament (OT) happened on the 8th day. Circumcision of the heart is the spiritual truth revealed in the New Testament which was foretold about via the literal example of circumcision of the flesh from the OT.

John 20 also shows this when eight days later Thomas saw the Resurrected Jesus and it was right then and there that Thomas's hardened heart was circumcised and he believed.
Jan 21, 2021
No, Jesus fuliflled the Sabbath by resting in the grave the entire Sabbath Saturday. Jesus broke through the seven day sabbath cycle and entered the 8th day when he rose from the grave on Sunday, the 8th day. Those who are "in Christ" have also broken through the seven day Sabbath cycle and thus are "new creations" to be made anew on the 8th day, the next creation day.

Circumcision in Old testament (OT) happened on the 8th day. Circumcision of the heart is the spiritual truth revealed in the New Testament which was foretold about via the literal example of circumcision of the flesh from the OT.

John 20 also shows this when eight days later Thomas saw the Resurrected Jesus and it was right then and there that Thomas's hardened heart was circumcised and he believed.
Circumcision isn't one of the Ten Commandments ..wake up


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
In what world is it ok to modify the Ten Commandments? Look at the root of your excuse, "early Christians did it" does that make it okay???
Keep the sabbath holy. we keep the Sabbath by believing in Jesus as Holy God who fulfilled the law. Jesus indeed rested on the Sabbath. Israel failed to keep the Sabbath. You think Gentiles can? It is faith through Christ Jesus that saves. Trying to keep the Sabbath as the jews try does not save.
Jan 21, 2021
Keep the sabbath holy. we keep the Sabbath by believing in Jesus as Holy God who fulfilled the law. Jesus indeed rested on the Sabbath. Israel failed to keep the Sabbath. You think Gentiles can? It is faith through Christ Jesus that saves. Trying to keep the Sabbath as the jews try does not save.
You either uphold all Ten Commandments or you don't. Think about the one thing satan would try to get away with if he had authority of the papacy.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
You either uphold all Ten Commandments or you don't. Think about the one thing satan would try to get away with if he had authority of the papacy.
This is a man-made stipulation. This is not from God.
If your conscience steers you to keep the Sabbath then so be it I will not judge you. But when you try to force your weak faith on my strong faith it is you who are in error.
Read Romans 14.