I have come to believe that through Paul’s epistles.....we are truly free from the bondage of the law, which is sin....I believe that those that are truly in Christ, are not under the jurisdiction of it....Paul said “nothing is unlawful unto me”.....he says this because he is fully persuaded of the truth....In Romans 14, it is clear to me, that if I do not cast a stumbling block before my weaker brethren, I have no chains in my liberty....furthermore, those of you that teach, or indoctrinate your fellow man, to impute sin upon himself, as most of the corporate church doctrine has come to do....are commiting heiracy...many pastors of the church age today...teach the congregation to impute sin upon themselves, when they are no longer slaves to the law...it is expedient to recognize what sin is and use it as a tool wisely, but heiracy to scare your congregation with hellfire, in the sense that if they do not stop sinning, they will die in that sin and go to hell....it is one of the great deceptions that Satan has used to water down what grace was intended to be....I have seen too many families torn apart by the judgement of one another as the doctrine has taken hold in so many throughout the church....Follow Paul, as he is the apostle to the Gentiles....you have no business in the 4 gospels, in which was Christ’s earthly ministry....under the law......I post this for edification, I would love for anyone to chime in on this amazing gift of salvation
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