Sounds like they are going to have to learn what Paul meant when he said all that stuff I count as dung.
7 What then? What the people of Israel sought so earnestly they did not obtain. The elect among them did, but the others were hardened,
Do you see who the elect are? Not out in the nations, but among other Jews who were hardened. Why has the reformed church always sought to change or erase the identity of Israel? And before you all start calling me a Jewish supremist. No, I don't believe the elect are Israel alone, but also includes all those called by His name in the nations. The offer goes out to all, but it's roots are Jewish whether one likes it or not. The fruit is for all the world. Sadly, the reformation played identity politics long before the social justice movement of today. I've started to recognize the spirit behind the division throughout the ages. It's the same spirit. Divide and conquer.
What if the message was really about who can come in instead of who has to stay out? What if playing the victim is actually a character of the fallen ones? How else would Jesus fool the devil but by playing the victim, all the while being the victor. I see a victorious King who laid down and picked up his own life. Dying to let his harlot of a wife free to marry her again after resurrection. Both resurrected to glory. He came down to death to return us. He will restore all who know him along the way. But to reject Israel is to reject Jesus himself. Paul points out the faults to lead all to her victory. He magnifies Israel's sin ONLY to glory in her redemption. Should we not act the same?
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