● Matt 5:5 . . Blessed are the meek
The third beatitude comes from the Old Testament.
● Ps 37:10-11 . .For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou
shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall
inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
"blessed" is an ambiguous word. Depending upon the application, and/or the
context; it can mean fortunate, happy, favored, approved, venerated,
contented, honored, respected, successful, prosperous, praise-worthy,
privileged, endowed, and protected.
The koiné Greek word for "meek" in the third beatitude is praus (prah-ooce')
which means mild; defined by Webster's as gentle in nature or behavior; viz:
temperate; in other words: agreeable, approachable, reasonable, calm,
mellow, composed, and self-controlled, i.e. meek people, as a rule, aren't
easily antagonized, i.e. they don't fly off the handle and/or throw hissy fits
over trifles.
You can freely speak your mind with meek people without fear of reprisal.
They're usually reasonable and rational rather than emotional and reactive;
people don't have to walk on egg shells all the time to avoid setting them
Can you just imagine the pleasure of living in a global society composed
entirely of temperate people? That alone would be Nirvana to me.
The 37th Psalm also promises peace; which implies not only the absence of
war; but also the absence of training for war; viz: martial arts and standing
● Isa 2:4 . .They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears
into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war any more.
● Mic 4:4 . .They shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree;
and none shall make them afraid
NOTE: Some of the beatitudes contain both a present tense clause and a
future tense clause in the same sentence. For example:
"blessed are" is present tense.
"shall inherit" is future tense.
In other words: the non meek are also non blessed
● Matt 5:5 . . Blessed are the meek
The third beatitude comes from the Old Testament.
● Ps 37:10-11 . .For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou
shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall
inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
"blessed" is an ambiguous word. Depending upon the application, and/or the
context; it can mean fortunate, happy, favored, approved, venerated,
contented, honored, respected, successful, prosperous, praise-worthy,
privileged, endowed, and protected.
The koiné Greek word for "meek" in the third beatitude is praus (prah-ooce')
which means mild; defined by Webster's as gentle in nature or behavior; viz:
temperate; in other words: agreeable, approachable, reasonable, calm,
mellow, composed, and self-controlled, i.e. meek people, as a rule, aren't
easily antagonized, i.e. they don't fly off the handle and/or throw hissy fits
over trifles.
You can freely speak your mind with meek people without fear of reprisal.
They're usually reasonable and rational rather than emotional and reactive;
people don't have to walk on egg shells all the time to avoid setting them
Can you just imagine the pleasure of living in a global society composed
entirely of temperate people? That alone would be Nirvana to me.
The 37th Psalm also promises peace; which implies not only the absence of
war; but also the absence of training for war; viz: martial arts and standing
● Isa 2:4 . .They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears
into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war any more.
● Mic 4:4 . .They shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree;
and none shall make them afraid
NOTE: Some of the beatitudes contain both a present tense clause and a
future tense clause in the same sentence. For example:
"blessed are" is present tense.
"shall inherit" is future tense.
In other words: the non meek are also non blessed
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