Like what if he is bad like in the avengers movie where Thanos is bad and has all this power. How do we know God is good?
God is the creator, God is the author of love, of care, of protection, of righteousness, of protection and
support. He made a world so that love can triumph over death and hatred. He did not force this on
anything but gives the choices to all to sow to what they desire and reap the result.
This is beyond a benevolent dictator, into love is the essence of all that is of God and all that is good.
In a real sense love does not exist outside God and who He is.
The cross is the ultimate expression of the creator of all, in His vastness and knowledge, sending His
word in human form, Jesus, to walk with us, and show us the way, through torture and torment to
forgive and give a light, an open door, the eternal in a fallen mortal lost world, so that we might be
like Him, to enjoy one with another, the King of Kings, the Lord of glory, the Highest who stooped to
the lowest, and as invited us in. I know of no better description of perfect goodness and love, beyond
anything we could even think of, let alone do, so staggering, the more I know, the more I bow in
humble worship of who God is, forever and ever, Amen.